[kj] FW: Help me win a place in Tri-City-Athlon - PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!

jane.shadforth at shell.com jane.shadforth at shell.com
Wed Jun 2 05:26:14 EDT 2010

Fellow Gatherers,

I know I've already sent this to a few of you, but for those who haven't seen it yet, would any of you like to support my application to take part in Tri-City-Athlon?

Please vote at the link below, and share with any friends who may also be pursuaded to vote.
[N.B.: Once you've voted, check your vote is included in the list of voters to the right of my entry - the site seems a little flaky, and a few friends have had to try a second time].

Many thanks in advance - and see some of you at a gig somewhere in the autumn, Jane

> -----Original Message-----

> From: Shadforth, Jane E SUKOP-DFI/3621

> Sent: 01 June 2010 15:10

> Subject: Help me win a place in Tri-City-Athlon - PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!

> Importance: High


> Hi all,


> Apologies to those of you who get this in multiple places in Facebook too... I'm just trying to ensure I get everyone's attention ;-)


> Eurostar are currently running a competition to win 1 of 60 entries (20 for UK based), in the Tri-City-Athlon event which will take place on 14th September.


> I would love the opportunity to take part in this amazing event, which involves swimming 1500m in Basin de la Villette, Paris, followed by a Eurostar ride to Brussels to complete a 40k bike ride, and ending with another train ride to London to run 10k in Regent's Park.


> PLEASE HELP ME to win a place in this event by voting for me at the link below, (where you can also view my case for selection), before the closing date of 9th June:


> http://www.eurostartricityathlon.com/home-page(en)/view-entry.aspx?id=31186

> [N.B.: Click on "Vote" at the top of the screen to register, (just name, email & DOB), if you don't have a Facebook account (or don't want to use it to vote)].


> If I get sufficient votes to make the top 50 of UK applicants, my entry will then go forward to a judging panel who will select the winning 20, and I should know whether or not I've been lucky enough to be chosen to do the race by 23rd June.


> Please could I also ask you to forward this to any friends, colleagues and/or anyone else you think could be pursuaded to vote for me. The more votes I can get, the better my chances of making the top 50.


> If you have any questions, by all means give me a shout.


> Many thanks in advance for your help and hope to see you all sometime soon, Jane xx




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