[kj] good news on IE

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 11 18:44:59 EDT 2010

Thirded. Here we are dissecting it to pieces, but it's too early to
tell if its indicative of the impending album (in much the same way
the O.D.I.C. flexi was only a hint of what followed with EXTREMITIES).
When I first joined the Gathering, we were all feverishly anticipating
the comparatively incidental release of NO WAY OUT BUT FORWARD GO.

Alex in NYC

On Jun 11, 2010, at 6:16 PM, B. Oliver Sheppard wrote:

> True, dat.


> There's like 70% bitching and moaning and quibbling over every

> single new thing they crank out (remember the Geordie demos?) and

> yet -- damn, it's 31 or 32 years later -- we are lucky they are

> still cranking stuff out. And, like I said, I actually like a lot of

> this stuff. "In Excelsis" just threw me for a loop. But, again,

> after 4 listens, even that has kinda grown on me! :)


> -0liver



> On 6/11/10 4:47 PM, Rob Moss wrote:


>> Fuck. We're MOANING cos Killing Joke have some new stuff!


>> A coupla years ago we may have been forgiven for thinking it's game

>> over.




>> Time to remove heads from arses perhaps??




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