[kj] Killing Joke Take Over YouTube

TB planetary at socal.rr.com
Mon Jun 28 12:41:07 EDT 2010

Alex Smith wrote:

Not sure who's responsible, but there's a new glut of vintage live KJ.....







The top two are from a Spanish live music show called "La edad de Oro" that a huge number of broadcasts from the early to mid 80's have shown up as torrents on Dime over the past couple years. I downloaded a few (most the Lords of the New Church gigs) including this KJ show a long time ago but never bothered to stick it on Youtube because I thought the shows were pretty common. This show was originally broadcast on October 6, 1983 and the set was Frenzy, Lust Almighty, Wardance, Pssyche, Song And Dance and Sun Goes Down.

The other guy who put up the two B/W clips is "Pssyche," who has uploaded a *ton* of KJ clips including some pretty rare live stuff for a long time. You'll spend hours viewing his clips.


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