[kj] Endgame - my take on it

Planetary planetary at socal.rr.com
Tue Mar 2 15:33:01 EST 2010

Matt Tibbits wrote:

Good to hear the positive feedback. It confirms I wasn't overplaying how
buzzed I was by what I heard in the studio simply because I WAS IN THE
STUDIO WITH KJ ! Apparently one of the remits for the new album was to draw
from all the various phases of KJ's output - bringing together all the best
elements - so we can expect some variety. Jaz is definitely "singing" more
on this one. We shouldn't underestimate BPF's contribution both musically
and lyrically. So happy he's back where he belongs. I'll try and confirm
release dates etc asap. Exciting times!!

P.S. The crunchiness on End Game might be partly down to Geordie's use of an
SG on it.


Reminds me of "Orgasmatron" era Motorhead. Look forward to hearing the real


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