[kj] endgame again

ADRIAN WASON adrianwason at btinternet.com
Mon Mar 8 14:34:48 EST 2010

sorry just been at a jewish all day fatherhall & was massively cheered up om coming  back bygatherer calling jazz a stutterring twat-the best to u that creased me,what a sense of humour.i manage not to wear my Nazi outfit as i was a pall bearer but on a more sombre note there is a funeral in Cardiff for a fellow gatherer pasedaway at 41 peacefully she was at the 2003 gigs in  Bristol and the continent gigs in Paris, The funeral is this friday 12ish and drinks at the Romilly pub afterwards. Please contact me off list for more details- the best to all gatherers as always-Cheers Ade
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