[kj] Latest Blog Post from Youth:
gregslawson at msn.com
Wed Mar 10 15:56:29 EST 2010
Good points as always. I want to add that another reason Obama and the rich can get away w/raping the rest of us is that there's no sizeable left in the US now. Under FDR there was an infuential and solid Communist Party to strike fear into (and GO on strike) the capitalists.
> Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 14:35:47 -0600
> From: bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] Latest Blog Post from Youth:
> That's certainly not the official government statistic, or even the U-6
> (I think that's what it's called) which counts the UNDER-employed etc as
> "jobless." Bu who can trust the govt., right? better to trust private
> industry standards.
> Having said that, I find it amusing that people have an amnesia that
> conveniently began on January 20, 2009, or so. Many people suddenly
> found their inner Libertarian on that day. Amazing!
> Unemployment is always usually higher than the official statistics. But
> the idea that the sun set and darkness in one month in January of last
> year is laughable. This has been a creping catastrophe that, yes,
> whether your favorite Republican/Libertarian talking points like it or
> not, did not start and/or end with Obama the
> deficiency in our under-regulated, capitalist run economy. Most
> politicians in DC are lieutenants of the business community (i.e. bosses
> and employers). Obama DID inherit two wars and a pathetic economy on the
> brink of implosion, whether one likes it or not.
> The criticism one can have is: Has Obama done too much -- or too little?
> The right says he has done *too much*! ("Government takeovers," blah
> blah blah). He needs to sit on his hands, as FDR should have done during
> the Great Depression, reading the Greek classics in the Oval Office,
> letting the markets play themselves out and work out their own kinks,
> consequences be damned.
> Yet -- Obama was elected for a reason, which was not to be an absentee
> president, but to play a pro-active role in government to address these
> pressing, serious issues. He has actually failed on this account by
> being TOO beholden to industry, capitalist prerogatives, bankers' whims.
> etc. The current US economic climate is not because he hasn't been
> friendly enough to business. That is just Loony Tunes land, if you
> believe that sort of FOX News conspiranoid bullshit. He has been too
> craven in the face of private, capitalist power.
> Again: Obama, if anything, has been TOO craven to the whim of private
> business power - has not taken them on enough - unlike FDR, who had
> absolutely no p[roblem pissing off the right people and thus getting
> elected to 4 terms. Oh, and FDR also defeated fascism, while he was it.
> Republicans hate this. Obama is too beholden to private corporate
> interests and he needs to grow a pair and tell them to fuck off.
> -Oliver
> sade1 wrote:
> > The U.S. jobless rate is now about 22% (the pre-Crash-of-2007 official
> > rate was 4.5%),
> > but,
> > household incomes:
> > http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/10/no-labor-market-recession_n_456797.html
> > $150K or more, now just *3.2%* jobless
> > $100-150K, it is now at 4%,
> > $0.00 - 12,500, it is now _/30.8%!/_
> > the lowest 10% of homes are 50% jobless,
> > 2nd lowest 10% of homes are 30% jobless,
> >
> > Also, "families with a net worth of at least $1 million, /_excluding
> > primary residences_/, *rose *to 7.8 million in 2009," an increase of
> > *16 percent*...from 6.7 million a year earlier, according to a survey
> > of high- net-worth U.S. households conducted by Spectrem Group"
> > http://www.truthout.org/number-millionaires-us-increased-16-percent-200957531
> >
> > Where do I sign up?
> >
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