[kj] New Topic October File
wessidetempest at hotmail.com
Thu May 27 18:01:28 EDT 2010
Everything you jay write about describes every reason why you don't
need to buy it. Candlelight couldn't give them away....oh wait....they
did. That's how I got mine. I think I ordered a pin.
Morale of this story. Order something from Candlelight. If it shows up
(and in decent shape) you'll getthe latest October File
On May 27, 2010, at 5:47 PM, ADRIAN WASON <adrianwason at btinternet.com>
> I dont know if anyone has listened to this yet but it's worth buying
> for tracks 1 2 3 4 & 9.come on its only £10.Folky has pointed out th
> at track 8 sounds remarkably like the Wait.
> Tracks 2&4 sound like a cross between age of greed/intravenous.Track
> 1 u could say was totally October File and its wonderful as is
> track 9.
> The problem is on reflection-Holy Armour needs to go to the top of
> the pile as this is October Files ED&VR. has anyone else listened
> to this?
> So to sum up Holy Amour etc is OctoberFile at the top of their game
> as Prong-Rude Awakenig-...if you like that sort of Prong.
> Oh to solve the problems of the world......
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