[kj] Gathering Digest, Vol 86, Issue 151
Jon Hopkins
joninwhite at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 18 15:17:43 EDT 2010
Nightmare set list? How about 'dregs' or 'medicine wheel' - both
horrible songs for different reasons
Jon Hopkins
On 18 Oct 2010, at 03:28 PM, gathering-request at misera.net wrote:
> Send Gathering mailing list submissions to
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> The Gathering - Digest
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Live CDS? (Simon Abinett)
> 2. Re: Hammersmith highlights (Phillipps Marc)
> 3. Re: Hammersmith highlights (jon chapman)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 14:21:48 +0000
> From: Simon Abinett <louiecipher33 at hotmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [kj] Live CDS?
> To: killing joke message board <gathering at misera.net>
> Message-ID: <COL112-W20F35466464EC75152008AB05A0 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I hope it has Jaz's speech before Pandemonium or i will not be
> happy!!!
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 14:21:37 +0200
> From: rob.moss at gmx.com
> To: gathering at misera.net; gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] Live CDS?
> The encores are up for downloads.
> Track listing is totally wrong!
> I've emailed them to mention it.......................
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: nicholas fitzpatrick
> Sent: 10/18/10 01:07 PM
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] Live CDS?
> Is this the Hammersmith gig? The home page of the official website
> appears to be the cover art to it (the Molotov sp?? cocktail thing)
> so maybe the link's there.
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:09:56 +0100
> From: jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Subject: [kj] Live CDS?
> Can someone repost the link for the 3CD live set? I've misplaced it.
> Much appreciated!
> Jim.
> NOW AVAILABLE: Flowers From Hell: The Modern Japanese Horror Film,
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> Available from Noir Publishing, Amazon.co.uk, Waterstones and all
> good bookstores.
> _______________________________________________ Gathering mailing
> list Gathering at misera.net http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering
> _______________________________________________ Gathering mailing
> list Gathering at misera.net http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 15:17:44 +0100
> From: "Phillipps Marc" <Marc.Phillipps at enfield.nhs.uk>
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hammersmith highlights
> To: "A list about all things Killing Joke \(the band!\)"
> <gathering at misera.net>
> Message-ID:
> <168462CB75C2494580745F29B549B9D2765B14 at srvexh001.NCL-HIS.NHS.UK>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>> I start by offering
>> Victory
> I'll add - Jana
> ________________________________
> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-
> bounces at misera.net]
> On Behalf Of Rob Moss
> Sent: 18 October 2010 15:07
> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hammersmith highlights
> How about the fantasy nightmare setlist seeing as Halloween is coming?
> Nil points to the one who says OTG in it's entirety!
> Pick the worst song and add to the list.
> I start by offering
> Victory
> On 18 Oct 2010, at 14:53, Matt Tibbits <matt_tibbits at hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> Absolutely!! Don't get me wrong I loved the gigs I went to and
> Hammersmith was amazing, one of the best. What I meant was we've all
> got
> our ideal setlists and it'll never happen for any of us. Too many good
> songs..!
> ________________________________
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 15:45:16 +0200
> From: <mailto:rob.moss at gmx.com> rob.moss at gmx.com
> To: <mailto:gathering at misera.net> gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hammersmith highlights
> Every band concentrates on what made them famous initially don't
> they?
> Fuck what the fans think anyway! Play what the hell you like.
> If after 31 years you can't start pleasing yourself a little
> then it's a bad old job!
> Killing Joke 31 years young. That's worth celebrating isn't
> it!!??
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Matt Tibbits
> Sent: 10/18/10 02:35 PM
> To: Gathering
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hammersmith highlights
> I don't want to raise expectations but Jaz was talking
> in Brussels about doing an Extremities based performance/gig at some
> point. The Revelations era brings back too many bad memories for
> Youth,
> sadly. We should rejoice that we heard The Hum at the Forum. Jaz is
> completely off doing anything from BTATS live. I think he associates
> it
> with OTG and the break up of the band.
> There'll never be a gig that pleases everyone. It's
> great that they are playing so many new songs but I would have loved
> Singularity. I would have also loved Sun Goes Down, Feast of Blaze or
> Dominator. Blood On Your Hands or something other than Asteroid from
> KJ2003 would have been good, too. How well would The Gathering go
> down!?
> You never know though. How many of us would have predicted three years
> ago that they'd be opening their set now with Tomorrow's World and
> playing Madness? Probably right about the Raven comment though - we're
> less likely to hear obscure songs from the albums he did.
> ________________________________
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:12:46 +0100
> From: <mailto:paul.rangecroft at gmail.com>
> paul.rangecroft at gmail.com
> To: <mailto:gathering at misera.net> gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hammersmith highlights
> Seems Youth is no more keen on Revelations now than he
> was at the time. Tragedy. Fire Dances is the most "Raven" of all the
> albums so maybe he's not keen to revisit that either. BTaTS wasn't the
> easiest album to perform live although they seemed to do ok on the BBC
> CD. OTG - forget it. ED&VRE was written to be performed live. Very sad
> that they've decided to neglect this one. Inexplicable and
> inexcusable!
> Democracy and HFtBoH possibly considered weak albums. Looks like we're
> doomed to hear first album, Pssyche, Change, plus new stuff and a few
> over-familiar "classics". Don't get me wrong, gigs are still great.
> When
> you're there the songs come to life all over again and even Requiem,
> which I lost interest in years ago (the studio version) is awesome.
> Just
> bit of a shame we're missing out on even better experiences.
> Pleased to hear talk of a new album but hope they don't
> rush it and we have another Democracy on our hands. Can't believe I'm
> saying it but: take you time, lads!
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Neil Perry <
> <mailto:65snoopy at gmail.com> 65snoopy at gmail.com> wrote:
> How was the sound? And does the general euphoria of the
> show compensate for what
> I think is a slightly disappointing set list (in terms
> of the same old songs reappearing). Does
> anyone hold out any chance of our fantasy set lists ever
> becoming reality or do you think
> large chunks of the back catalogue will never again see
> the light of day?
> Just thinking aloud...
> n
> _______________________________________________
> Gathering mailing list <mailto:Gathering at misera.net>
> Gathering at misera.net
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> _______________________________________________ Gathering
> mailing list Gathering at misera.net
> http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering
> _______________________________________________
> Gathering mailing list
> Gathering at misera.net
> http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering
> This communication may contain information that is confidential and
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> unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please
> return it to the sender, then delete and destroy any copies of it.
> The Health Informatics Service disclaims any liability for action
> taken reliant on the content of this message. This communication is
> from the Health Informatics Service serving Barnet Enfield &
> Haringey Health Communities.
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 14:28:27 +0000
> From: jon chapman <jonniespatula at hotmail.co.uk>
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hammersmith highlights
> To: <gathering at misera.net>
> Message-ID: <SNT107-W52E4BEB970B26E4A898177F55A0 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> Songs must be taken off list if more than one person objects to it.
> i'll add European Superstate !!
>> I start by offering
>> Victory
> I?ll add ? Jana
> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-
> bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of Rob Moss
> Sent: 18 October 2010 15:07
> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hammersmith highlights
> How about the fantasy nightmare setlist seeing as Halloween is coming?
> Nil points to the one who says OTG in it's entirety!
> Pick the worst song and add to the list.
> I start by offering
> Victory
> On 18 Oct 2010, at 14:53, Matt Tibbits <matt_tibbits at hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> Absolutely!! Don't get me wrong I loved the gigs I went to and
> Hammersmith was amazing, one of the best. What I meant was we've all
> got our ideal setlists and it'll never happen for any of us. Too
> many good songs..!
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 15:45:16 +0200
> From: rob.moss at gmx.com
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hammersmith highlights
> Every band concentrates on what made them famous initially don't they?
> Fuck what the fans think anyway! Play what the hell you like.
> If after 31 years you can't start pleasing yourself a little then
> it's a bad old job!
> Killing Joke 31 years young. That's worth celebrating isn't it!!??
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Matt Tibbits
> Sent: 10/18/10 02:35 PM
> To: Gathering
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hammersmith highlights
> I don't want to raise expectations but Jaz was talking in Brussels
> about doing an Extremities based performance/gig at some point. The
> Revelations era brings back too many bad memories for Youth, sadly.
> We should rejoice that we heard The Hum at the Forum. Jaz is
> completely off doing anything from BTATS live. I think he associates
> it with OTG and the break up of the band.
> There'll never be a gig that pleases everyone. It's great that they
> are playing so many new songs but I would have loved Singularity. I
> would have also loved Sun Goes Down, Feast of Blaze or Dominator.
> Blood On Your Hands or something other than Asteroid from KJ2003
> would have been good, too. How well would The Gathering go down!?
> You never know though. How many of us would have predicted three
> years ago that they'd be opening their set now with Tomorrow's World
> and playing Madness? Probably right about the Raven comment though -
> we're less likely to hear obscure songs from the albums he did.
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:12:46 +0100
> From: paul.rangecroft at gmail.com
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hammersmith highlights
> Seems Youth is no more keen on Revelations now than he was at the
> time. Tragedy. Fire Dances is the most "Raven" of all the albums so
> maybe he's not keen to revisit that either. BTaTS wasn't the easiest
> album to perform live although they seemed to do ok on the BBC CD.
> OTG - forget it. ED&VRE was written to be performed live. Very sad
> that they've decided to neglect this one. Inexplicable and
> inexcusable! Democracy and HFtBoH possibly considered weak albums.
> Looks like we're doomed to hear first album, Pssyche, Change, plus
> new stuff and a few over-familiar "classics". Don't get me wrong,
> gigs are still great. When you're there the songs come to life all
> over again and even Requiem, which I lost interest in years ago (the
> studio version) is awesome. Just bit of a shame we're missing out on
> even better experiences.
> Pleased to hear talk of a new album but hope they don't rush it and
> we have another Democracy on our hands. Can't believe I'm saying it
> but: take you time, lads!
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Neil Perry <65snoopy at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> How was the sound? And does the general euphoria of the show
> compensate for what
> I think is a slightly disappointing set list (in terms of the same
> old songs reappearing). Does
> anyone hold out any chance of our fantasy set lists ever becoming
> reality or do you think
> large chunks of the back catalogue will never again see the light of
> day?
> Just thinking aloud...
> n
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> list Gathering at misera.net http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering
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> This communication may contain information that is confidential and
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> that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication
> or the information within is strictly prohibited and may be
> unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please
> return it to the sender, then delete and destroy any copies of it.
> The Health Informatics Service disclaims any liability for action
> taken reliant on the content of this message. This communication is
> from the Health Informatics Service serving Barnet Enfield &
> Haringey Health Communities.
> _______________________________________________ Gathering mailing
> list Gathering at misera.net http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering
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> End of Gathering Digest, Vol 86, Issue 151
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