[kj] New Album Artwork
fluwdot at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 14 09:57:18 EDT 2010
I really like this album as well, although knowing it is a killing joke
record doesn't help it. From the perspective of knowing it is killing joke
and BPF and Geordie are involved makes this a big let down. I think Geordie
has nothing left in the tank and has become an average guitar player in his
old age. But he has earned the right to do so I guess.
But I'd imagine from the perspective of someone who has never heard killing
joke, it is a killer record - So I pretend I have never heard of them.
Jaz and youth out did themselves, gauging it from their most recent works
that is.
But if you hold it up to vintage joke standards this album is meh at best.
I vote yes on a colesy gathering release edit for the artwork!
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of Rob Moss
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 5:37 AM
To: Gathering
Subject: [kj] New Album Artwork
I really really like this new album.
It sounds fresh and exciting. I would liked to have heard the guitar and
drums being a bit more adventurous in places to be perfectly honest but it
"works" as a whole.
There is no track I dislike at all. Some aren't as strong as others but
they're all solid.
I really do dislike the artwork. I don't think it serves the album well at
It comes across to me as someone who doesn't understand Killing Joke doing
some art that they "think" is Killing Joke. Rather like the Gathering XXV
It's like "I know, I'll be confrontational and do something sacrilageous.
Let's stick some transmitters on a cross. yeah!"
And you have to look hard to see it's Killing Joke. It has that small, farty
type face that says killing joke rather than KILLING JOKE.
Colesy always knew.
That's the point.
Let's have him make something for the Gathering.
Reject the new album artwork!
That's Absolute Dissent!
Waddya think??
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