[kj] Absolute Dissent - a little bit late...
n0153 jr
nomeanswhat at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 13:45:09 EDT 2010
Pssyche is there on both guitar and bass lines... definitely!
On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 2:07 PM, jon chapman <jonniespatula at hotmail.co.uk>wrote:
> Similar view to mine,just that Absolute Dissent is ok,ESS is crap,Depth
> charge could have been better,still good but. This world hell i hated at
> first,but like you said,it's a grower.
> Dear Gatherers,
> "someone please call the guys from spinefarm and tell them to stop the
> pressing of absolute dissent right now!!!!"
> the release shall be postponed again!!! I have a few changes to suggest!!!
> LOL!!!!!
> last week I took a few days off work and lost most of the e-mails with the
> links to download the new album.
> I´ve returned on monday and immedietly downloaded it!! I tried, but
> I couldn´t resist listening to it before I receive the fisycal copy.
> my impressions so far, after at least 10 complete listenings to the
> album!!!
> *Absolute Dissent* - Absolute Classic, awesome bass line!!!
> *The Great Cull* - Fantastic!!! the riff is suberb!!! - one of my
> favourites!!!! I like when Jaz sings "...Farmaceutical Companies, all fall
> down, all fall down!!!!"
> *Fresh Fever From The Skyes* - when i first heard this song on the 2008
> tour I didn´t like it much, but the studio version is perfect and is growing
> on me!!! very powerfull chorus!!!!
> *In Excelsis* - for me, the weakest track on the record, should´ve been
> kept only as a single (along with Ghosts of Ladbroke Groove) I´ve rather
> have KaliYuga instead, or even one of those songs that didn´t make it to the
> record, sixth sun, timewave, I am war, etc.
> *ESS* - destined to be a major hit, as soon as possible I´ll put it on the
> dance floor of jokers just to see the reaction of people, can´t wait to get
> my hands on the official single release!
> *This World Hell* - nice tune, powerfull!!!!, but still growing on me....
> *EndGame* - Strong tune!!!! as someone has already said!!! would fit very
> well as a single!!!
> *The Raven King* - Epic track!!!! Jaz singing at his best, very emotional
> chorus!!! one of the best songs of the album, excelent drumming and very
> nice snare sound, and even a few tribals on the ending!!!! for me, the
> next Love Like Blood, a song that brought me emotions that I haven´t felt
> since nighttime and BTATS period!!!!
> hope they play it live on the tour!!!! a song to shed tears!!!!
> *Honour The Fire* - one of my favourites of the album!!! music to play
> while driving!!! A song that should have been choosen to end the album.
> *DepthCharge* - Fantastic!!!! Energic!!! Nervous!!!! this is Killing
> Joke!!!!
> *Here Comes the Singularity* - oh Geordie, what a fantastic riff!!! this
> is Killing Joke!!!! the song brings me back to Fire Dances and Nighttime
> period!!!! also one of my favourites!!!!!
> *Ghosts Of Ladbroke Groove* - excelent single, but I would keep it off the
> album, I don´t know why, but I don´t think it fits well,
> like I said before, I would have choosen to end the album with Honour The
> Fire!!!
> one thing that i miss on the album is more tribal drumming from Big Paul,
> his tribal drumming patterns is what makes me consider him as one of the
> best drummers in the world,
> songs like, unspeakable, birds of a feather, a new day, nighttime, etc.
> speak for themselves
> I think that Absolute Dissent is a back to form for Big Paul, and the band
> as an unity as well!!!
> I am almost sure that his drumming would improve on the next album,
> and let´s make clear that I don´t dislike what he did, but that I think
> that he has a lot more to offer!!!!
> so... it´s Absolute Dissent.... the Best KJ in YEARS!!!!!
> let´s wait for the official release!!!!
> best regards
> d i a z
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