[kj] ot - the jam tune help

fluw fluwdot at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 20 10:11:58 EDT 2010

Thanks fatty pot I'll have a gander at spotify (never knew about that one)

-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of fatpotanga
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 8:04 AM
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] ot - the jam tune help

I notice that album's on Spotify so perhaps worth a trawl through that?

btw - thanks Neil, that's filled my listening void for the afternoon :)

On 20 Sep 2010, at 14:00, Neil Perry wrote:

> Heh - I have the Direction Reaction box set which has every studio


> (they were one of the first bands I ever saw so I have a soft spot for

'em) so

> I must have the song you are looking for... but you are going to have to


> a bit more specific than that! I wouldn't really class *any* Jam song as

'punky rockabilly'!


> N


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