[kj] Broken Britain

Peter Moltesen sneakypete at uwclub.net
Fri Aug 12 11:37:36 EDT 2011

Well said Paula.

Pete in Birmingham


From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of Paula Cook
Sent: 12 August 2011 11:26
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] Broken Britain

I live in Ealing. The nearest the riots got to my home was about 200 yards.
I couldn't sleep Monday night with all the noise, sirens and helicopters.
The next day, most of the town centre was cordoned off. I just couldn't
believe the destruction. My hairdresser, beauty salon, corner shop, and all
my other local shops had been attacked. A family member of the beauty
salon's owner had been attacked trying to protect his business, his face a
mass of cuts and bruises. Some people had been attacked in their homes and
had to flee, their homes burnt out. Others had their cars burnt. Local
people, including myself, were in a complete state of shock.

I couldn't sleep Tuesday or Wednesday night because I was so frightened. I'm
in my mid-40s, live alone, am 5'1" tall and under 9 stone - and I only have
kitchen knives to protect myself against a mob invading my home.

Gatherers, no disrespect to any one of you, but I don't want to hear any
more excuses and justifications for this behaviour. There are none. London
is a city of opportunity. There is NO poverty in this country, the welfare
state ensures that. Poverty exists in parts of Asia, Africa and Latin
America; I've seen the shanties of Guatemala City, Managua and Panama City
with my own eyes, they are shocking, nothing like that here. We have it very
good indeed in this country compared with most other countries.

I want the full force of the law to come down on those responsible. I want
the law, for which I pay through my taxes, to protect me and make me feel
safe again in my own home. 3,000 police for 9 million Londoners is a joke,
we need the 16,000 we've had in the past few days to become permanent. I
would like to see a highly visible police presence in London from now on,
police have been conspicuous by their absence for a long time now. We need
the authorities to come down like a ton of bricks on all this "gangsta"
culture, hoodies and suchlike. I don't want to live my life in fear.

Stay safe Gatherers
Paula aka Nuclear Girl

> Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 16:18:35 +0100

> From: Janean Lancaster <j at jlancaster.info>

> Subject: Re: [kj] Broken Britain

> To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"

> <gathering at misera.net>

> Message-ID: <4E42A14B.8050304 at jlancaster.info>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"


> Yeah, that's pretty spot on. Especially the first sentence about a

> society that values material things about all else. There seems to have

> been a shift in attitude towards material posessions in the last 20

> years. There's an obsession with flat screen TVs and shit. "Riot?

> Ooo, let's go and get another telly."


> On 09/08/2011 17:00, folk devil wrote:

> > "Create a society that values material things above all else. Strip it

> > of industry. Raise taxes for the poor and reduce them for the rich and

> > for corporations. Prop up failed financial institutions with public

> > money. Ask for more tax, while vastly reducing public services. Put

> > adverts everywhere, regardless of people's ability to afford the

> > things they advertise. Allow the cost of food and housing to eclipse

> > people's ability to pay for them. Light blue touch paper." On a

> > friend's FB.

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2011 17:30:22 +0200

> > From: 65snoopy at gmail.com

> > To: gathering at misera.net

> > Subject: [kj] Broken Britain

> >

> > While I've been watching events at home from afar with a mixture of

> > bemusement and

> > shock, this video has got to be the most depressing thing I've seen

> > for some time.

> > I hope the bastards here get what is coming to them at some point in

> > their lives.

> > Lost for words - what the feck is going on over there?

> > Hope everyone is safe.

> >

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Gex_ya4-Oo

> >

> > N

> >

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