[kj] Happy Birthday Raven

jpwhkj at aol.com jpwhkj at aol.com
Sun Jan 16 12:11:31 EST 2011

A glass will be raised later on...

Meanwhile, I'll share one of my earliest Raven-specific memories of the Joke with you all.

Hammersmith Palais, autumn '86 (I think...)
As usual, Killing Joke are late coming on, and the crowd are wound up to the usual peak of pre-Joke hysteria. The weirdness of Booids fills the air, and then they come on. Geordie - of course - just walks on, Big Paul appears behind the drums kit, and Raven... well, Raven comes on in a pair of cherry red DM's, army trousers and braces, and he comes on jumping up and down, stomping on the stage for all he's worth. He is obviously just as cranked up as the crowd.

Doubtless some of you were there; doubtless others will remember similar moments. Raven was full of the joy of the Joke, and it's shame he's gone.


-----Original Message-----
From: Elana Mojica <elana_mojica at yahoo.com>
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 17:01
Subject: [kj] Happy Birthday Raven

Today, Raven would be 50.

Pour one out!

athering mailing list
athering at misera.net

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