[kj] OT Headcount supporting SLF

Brian Whitehead bawhitehead at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 11:13:50 EDT 2011

Thanks for that, I loved SLF but didn't realise that. It meant nothing to me
either as a 16 year old.

Thing that annoyed me about SLF is the amount of final, as in last ever,
shows they did. I hitched down from Manchester to London for at least two
before I gave up. Turned me off SLF a bit.
Another was the Bruce Foxton on bass thing. I'd be watching SLF with Town
Called Malice going through round and round in my head.
A guy I know was in the room when the sacked Foxton and told me is was a
unanimous vote by the rest of the band as he was too big for his boots.

Having said all that I'll be there at Manchester Uni next week.


On 22 March 2011 14:19, Neil Perry <65snoopy at gmail.com> wrote:

> I had to go and look all this up again as I couldn't remember the details,

> it's been a while!


> Gordon Ogilvie, who was their manager for a while, was a Daily Express

> journalist (on Wikipedia he is a described as a "Marxist journalist on the

> Daily Express",

> which seems unlikely!)

> It was he who apparently suggested to the band in their very early days

> that they sang about

> the Northern Ireland troubles - and he and Jake Burns wrote the songs

> together,

> with Ogilvie credited for many of the lyrics.

> Of course when this was discovered by the music press back in the day they

> had a right go (god I miss the music papers), as this suggested that SLF

> were somehow not "authentic", or

> were being controlled by this shadowy journo character with a hidden

> agenda.

> All this meant nothing to me as a 13-year-old fan, of course.


> In this 2009 interview Jake Burns said:

> "Gordon was like a fifth member of the band. We wrote songs together and he

> took

> care of the day to day management. It's impossible to over-estimate

> Gordon's part in the band's story."



> http://www.culturenorthernireland.org/article/1377/stiff-little-fingers-make-inflammable-material


> N



> On 22 March 2011 14:30, Brian Whitehead <bawhitehead at gmail.com> wrote:


>> "And yes I know about all the lyrics being written by an ex-Daily Express

>> journo"


>> Really? I didn't know that - please elaborate.


>> Brian.



>> On 22 March 2011 13:12, Neil Perry <65snoopy at gmail.com> wrote:


>>> I was looking for something else in a box of, er 'nostalgic' items over

>>> the

>>> weekend and rediscovered some signed postcards of Jake Burns, Ali

>>> McMordie and

>>> the rest, which I got after I wrote off to the SLF fan club around the

>>> time Inflammable

>>> Material came out, when I was 12 or 13 I guess. There was also an

>>> Inflammable Material sticker which I'd obviously

>>> decided was so precious I never stuck it on anything (it's not sticky

>>> anymore.)


>>> In terms of what it meant at the time, how much I played it to death and

>>> how it got me into so much more music,

>>> I think that album is my all time favourite record. I played some a while

>>> back and it

>>> still rocks. (And yes I know about all the lyrics being written by an

>>> ex-Daily Express journo

>>> or whatever he was, and I still don't give a toss!)


>>> n


>>> On 18 March 2011 17:28, Rob Moss <rob.moss at gmx.com> wrote:



>>>> Just been asked to support SLF at the O2 Academy Oxford on Wednesday!


>>>> Anyone wanting to go can come along for just £6 if you email me for

>>>> details.


>>>> Now, better learn the songs proper!!!!


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