[kj] OT - O'bama Acts the True Patriot -- while in France?

sade1 saulomar1 at yahoo.com
Fri May 27 01:15:26 EDT 2011

He did it! He signed to extend the Patriot Act. Ha!
Where are all.. those.. liberals who voted for him? I want to see them all, one
by one.. by the star-dogged moon..too thick for Rove or sigh,

each one turned with a ghastly pang,
and cursed 'em with me eye...

Never in their darkest Republican-drenched nightmares did they think he'd ever
have donethat. The topper is he did it in France, so he wouldn't have to put up
with the outcry from "that rabble back home."

Oh well. Better luck next time. I dare them to vote for him again.
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