[kj] Releases of the year - 2012

Mike Cooper mike at coopersurf.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Dec 30 19:50:20 EST 2012

I think 2012 has been a really good year for music so my top ten would be the following:

Killing Joke: MMXII despite being from the boys this is by far and away the greatest album of the year despite any bias!!

Mark Lannegan Blues Funeral a truly beautiful album, heart and soul abound.

Public Image Ltd This is PIL not popular with everyone but I love it.

Godspeed You Black Emperor Allelujah! Don’t Bend Ascend! Oldish songs but great to have them back at last – mesmerising.

The Stranglers Giants Brilliant, best thing they have done in decades and through pure luck I have back stage passes for their Brum show in March

ZZ Top La Futura I have to say it is deep down and dirty – loving it!

The Meteors Doing The Lords Work Been a fan from day one but this is their best album since Wreckin Crew in the late 80’s. Not sure how they just seem to have hit it right – great version of Paranoid too.

Dead Can Dance Anastasis Welcome back – wonderful

Bad Brains Into the Future I love this band and this is up there with the best of them.

Swans The Seer epic

Bubbling under: Viv Albertine, Jah Wobble/Keith Levine, Bill, Fry Adrian Sherwood

Best reissue: The Beat - I Just Can’t Stop It

Mogwai Wrenched Virile Lore

Best Film Batman Dark Knight Rises / Killer Joe

TV Show Homeland, Fresh Meat

Best Gig Killing Joke, PIL, Sea of Bees,

Hero/ine Wiggins, Hannah Cockcroft,

Twat of the Year Clegg, Rebecca Brooks, Saville legacy, John Terry,

Event Olympics, Swindon Town Promotion

Crap of the year 50 Sheds of Grey, weather,

From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of adrianwason at btinternet.com
Sent: 28 December 2012 09:54
To: Jim Harper; A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] Releases of the year - 2012

i listened to rude awakening the other day.

caprice is still awesome and the whole album is vey consistent unlike other Prong albums.

i love everything about this album even the artwork/packaging is great.

what a line uo they had then!

i picked up made in Germany which if you think is a filter of all Rammsteins stuff.

I managed to filter it down even further to Mein Teil/Ich Will/Sonne & Mein Land......

at one stage i thought 2012 was the best killing joke release yet but i played extremities at full blast all the way through last week and it just confirmed what i thought that extremities is still the best release ever

i think 2012 outclasses pandemonium as poleshift/fema camp/colony collapse etc are far superior to anything on that album

--- On Wed, 26/12/12, Jim Harper <jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

From: Jim Harper <jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [kj] Releases of the year - 2012
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>
Date: Wednesday, 26 December, 2012, 12:42

Okay, my turn. As usual, most of my purchases have been past albums, but I did pick up a few 2012 releases:

Killing Joke: MMXII. Really like this one. It's had more play than any of their albums since Pandemonium. Not uniformly fantastic, but the good tracks are really bloody good.

Swans: The Seer. Not a huge Swans fan, but I do like what I've heard. I've been in a much more up-tempo musical mood, so I haven't listened to this one a great deal but I do think it's pretty damn good.

LM.C: Strong Pop. LM.C are a visual kei band who are probably best described as electro-rock. Bouncy and relentlessly chirpy, Strong Pop might be their best album. Live they simply explode: stupidly loud, the guitars now in drop-C. Best show I've seen in a while.

Honourable Mention goes to The GazzettE for Division. Not been much of a fan of visual kei band The GazzettE in the past, but Division has some bloody good material on. Unfortunately they choose to separate the songs into one side of melodic rock and one side of industrial/techno-flavoured metal. Side 2 is fantastic, but side 1 drags. If they'd put the best few songs from side 1 in with side 2, the album would have been a giant. Other bands- most obviously the much-missed VK icons D'espairsRay- managed to blend the pounding riffs and the melody pretty well. It's a shame, because Division could have been brilliant.

Best reissues goes to the Japanese editions of This Mortal Coil's back catalogue: Blood, It'll End In Tears, Filigree & Shadow. All excellent.

If we're including compilations, my awards go to Propaganda's Noise And Girls Come Out To Play and An Introduction To... Laibach.

My favourite musical discovery of 2012 would be legendary Japanese 1980s metal band Dead End.

Checking iTunes, it seems the albums I've been listening to most in the past years are MMXII, Prong's Rude Awakening, Rammstein's Made in Germany, 3.2.1. by Zilch, Dead End's Zero and Schweinstein by Schwein. Pretty much an industrial year, I guess!

I'll shut up now.


From: "Phillipps, Marc" <Marc.Phillipps at nclondon.nhs.uk>
To: Gathering at address-not-supplied.nhs.net
Sent: Friday, 21 December 2012, 12:28
Subject: [kj] Releases of the year - 2012

Must be time to do this:

The Unwinding Hours – Afterlives (Craig proving there is life after Aereogramme)

Neurosis – Honor Found In Decay

Future of the Left – The Plot Against Common Sense (with an honourable mention to the Man Vs Melody EP)

Killing Joke – MMXII (of course!)

Mogwai – A Wrenched Virile Lore (OK, it’s a remix album but it deserves a mention of its own)

British Theatre - Dyed in the Wool Ghost (EP) – (Ex Oceansize – absolutely brilliant)

Knifeworld – Clairvoyant Fortnight (EP)

Meshuggah – Koloss

Deftones - Koi No Yokan

Swans – The Seer

So, what have I missed this year?


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