[kj] Fwd: Message from Jaz, re: September shows

DAIMON SPARKS soundmagick at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 11:03:08 EDT 2012

purty sure JAZ wuz talkin shit here.

or shit talking aka usa cuntry music

On Jul 19, 2012 4:21 PM, <countessghoulita at aol.com> wrote:

I stand corrected with my previous message, as I re-read the statement,"The
only reason we allowed ourselves to be talked into it was to blow both
bands off the stage and to steal their respective audiences."

I have seen The Mission and Wayne Hussey solo. Both brilliant shows. Wayne
Hussey is very nice in person, but don't get him pissed. I can only imagine
what his statement may be about this fiasco, and look forward to reading it.

I love KJ, but I am less inclined in reading excuses like this one.


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From: countessghoulita <countessghoulita at aol.com>
To: gathering <gatheri...

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