[kj] OT: Earphones

Ketracel White ketracelwhite at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 29 13:56:49 EDT 2012

After years of going through just about every type of ear bud on the market (including Bose Beats) I finally settled on these:


They're a tad pricey (I think they ran me about $100), but sound amazing and are are incredibly durable. The cable are almost like rope, so they don't twist & disconnect the wires inside like most (plastic/rubber) ear bud cables. They come with a variety of different sized silicone ear tips, which is nice as well. Highly recommended.

From: Janean Lancaster
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 7:44 AM
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: [kj] OT: Earphones

Seeing as you are all music connoisseurs, advice for my next pair of earphones is requested.

My latest in a long line of earphones have just broken (at the jack plug, sound in the left ear was going and has now gone) and I am completely lost without them.

I had Klipsch Image S4s - they sounded great, if a little buzzy on low frequencies. I like the in-ear buds because they block external noise really well and no-one else has to suffer (or complain about) my choice of choons.

I seem to be replacing earphones every 15 months or so, which is a complete pisser. But they do get heavy use.



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