[kj] Roundhouse

Neil Perry 65snoopy at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 21:27:26 EST 2012

Late night thoughts...
Great to meet the gatherers in the Monarch, however brief it might have
and an even more fleeting moment with the mighty Colesy.
Great gig, really enjoyed it, sound a bit muddy until I moved into the
knitting circle from
the side, just in time for The Wait and Pssyche. To the chap in front of me
who shouted
'30 fucking years I've been doing this! I can't take it any more!' (or
words to that effect) - I salute you.
Of all the new songs, the one I least expected to like was Rapture but it
was a fucking stormer live.
No In Cythera, sadly, but otherwise no great surprises. Sun Goes Down and
Chop Chop were just
fucking immense and gave me chills down my spine.

nighty night, old man must rest aching limbs now
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