[kj] Turn To Red was played in Berlin ...

ADRIAN WASON adrianwason at btinternet.com
Thu May 3 14:27:02 EDT 2012

bollocks i thought that would now be the traditional encore.still early days.
didnt like turned to red till i heard it live.
it was on that ridiculous support slot they did with motley crue.
i've never seen such a poor class of fan.
i heard it being said on the radio today that roy hodgson was a broad sheet man in a tabloid world .
but you could use the same anology here.
we asked the guys in front of us who they were here to see,
'CREW' came the twats' answer
we said we were only here to see 'the support band' and as the main act were such a bunch of talentless ponces we were fucking off.
and they stayed in front of us the whole show we butted them a bit but they just stayed there out of spite.
the killing joke set was brilliant tight, no bollocks, one of the most musically perfect i've heard them play, shame about the surroundings

From: Paul Richards <green.sun1980 at gmail.com>
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 18:16
Subject: Re: [kj] Turn To Red was played in Berlin ...

They didn't play all hallows eve again though. Feel a bit depressed
now it's all over - envious of those with more dates to do

On 5/3/12, pssyche23 <antoni at clara.net> wrote:

> ... I was informed by text. Cheers.


> Sent from my iPhone

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