[kj] OT OT -- Ladbroke's Trove

sade1 saulomar1 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 22 13:13:13 EDT 2012

Correction: Meant to say if big O. loses the popular vote but STILL WINS the election VIA THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE, then..." said Red Rage.
Carry on.

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 7:34 AM PDT sade1 wrote:

>Who Will Win This Time 'round?


>    We saw who won 2004 and why (CIA says it was cuz Osama Bin Laden manipulated us here in the U.S.), who's betting to win big this time? Here to help is one of Britain's best services. 

>No, not HIM, these guys: http://truth-out.org/news/item/11381-forget-the-polls-obama-is-the-odds-on-favorite-to-win-in-november


>The most accurate polling (regardless of how conservative 

>its pedigree) are these guys, and it don't look good, http://news.investors.com/special-report/508415-ibdtipp-poll.aspx


>    My guess is we'll have the latest Disney animatronic creation Mitt "Gott Mitt Uns" Romney winning the popular vote and Obama** getting the Electoral College vote and gets reelected. Hey, we rehired Bush W., so we're capable of anything. Anything... 

>    Obama's already lost the White vote by almost 2:1, and if he loses the pop vote, I think we'll have some very, um, "vibrant and enthusiastic" displays of Red Rage that'll put that humiliating liberal overly-lame underreaction to the theft ("where did it go?!") of the 2000 election by Jorge "Arbusto"Bush. 

>    We'll likely just get a faceBook page out of it, with like, 830million Likes! (yeah howd'you like that, Republicans!) at most in a great big childish-tantrumy harrumph!and a "there, takethat!" (We're also very good at obfuscating feelings of "buyers' remorse," tee-hee.)


>** "..walk..talk..do..say nothing..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSgnNVGnJ6s


>I'm betting on Lance, instead. At least he still has a nut. 



>Blessed are the Cracked for 

>  they let in the Light,

>    others all are just a..

>      'nother brick in the Wall

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