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Paul Rangecroft paul.rangecroft at gmail.com
Thu Aug 7 04:44:17 EDT 2014

Inconceivably jealous.

On 8/7/14, Rob Moss <rob.moss at gmx.com> wrote:
> I forgot
> On thanking Geordie.
> I said " I can't believe you trust people like me with your rig"
> His reply.
> "I don't!"
> Class
>> On 7 Aug 2014, at 07:39, fatpotanga <fatpotanga at gmail.com> wrote:
>> in a word, wow.
>> You'll have to fill me in in more detail next time you're up.
>> Can't wait for Hebden tomorrow!
>> Enjoy your hols dear heart .
>>> On 7 Aug 2014, at 07:26, Rob Moss <rob.moss at gmx.com> wrote:
>>> Way.
>>> The idea was to just see colesy and paul and say hi. But rehearsals over
>>> ran and we ended up drinking a few outside the studio. Our French fucker
>>> was there avec fromage et vin as well. So we were just chillin. Chatted
>>> to Geords about technical stuff. He is a mind of info and he said " come
>>> with me" and showed me his rig and handed me the guitars. Sat back and
>>> let me play.
>>> The buzz from those guitars is incredible.
>>> As a player for over 35 years to get to play those beasts was awesome.
>>> There is something truly magical about the build of those guitars after
>>> 60 years of playing. Yes. 60 years! They sink into your body and just
>>> become part of you. I can see why he says he doesn't need anything else.
>>> No armoury of other guitars. Just these.
>>> Gatherers I could gush for hours about this but I won't.
>>> All I can tell you is that they are on fine fine form as a band and
>>> personally. Jaz looks fantastically healthy. Disgustingly so. Paul and
>>> youth are chilled and Geordie is chomping at the bit.
>>> Jamaica was mentioned for more album work. But that's all I know.
>>> I'm off on holiday and will miss all the shows.
>>> Those of you with tickets - lucky fuckers!!
>>> Enjoy!
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