[kj] In Dub

Rob Moss rob.moss at gmx.com
Mon Jan 13 06:32:56 EST 2014

Yes. Was hoping for some of the early dubs.
Maybe the masters are lost/knackered.

> On 13 Jan 2014, at 10:49, Neil Perry <65snoopy at gmail.com> wrote:


> As expected, there's a lot of filler - but also enough for one great album. I guess it depends

> on whether the thought of dub reggae versions of KJ songs horrifies you or not. Barely a day goes

> by when I don't listen to reggae or ska so personally I'm all for it, but I can understand resistance

> to the idea. Anyway what exactly makes a 'dub' is a loose concept, and no surprise, there's a lot

> of Orb-style ambient noodling here that grows a bit tedious after a while.


> Still, the biggest surprise for me was The Raven King - not a song I listen to much in its original form - but

> this version is beautiful and bass heavy in equal measure, and bought a lump to my throat. Sure, Youth's

> dubs ain't subtle - he prefers to throw everything and the kitchen sink into the mix, and sometimes

> you wish he'd just let the bass and drums speak - but there are some great driving pounding dubs here.

> Labyrinth, Love Like Blood (another surprise, never thought that would work) and Corporate Elect are

> all excellent. Of the non-reggae dubs, I think the dubstep/grime/garage/whatever the young people are calling it nowadays

> version of Money Is Not Our God (Babylon Dub) is the most effective - bass bass and more bass.


> Biggest complaint is that the early stuff is missing - was really hoping for those Turn to Red/Nervous System/Madness

> dubs, a real shame they have been overlooked and instead we get 3 versions of ESS (although I really like

> the Lizard dub), 2 versions of This World Hell and 2 versions of In Cythera, which don't do much for me. But Tomorrow's World is immense.


> Still working my way through it, but generally an impressive effort

> N



>> On 11 January 2014 23:00, Rob Moss <rob.moss at gmx.com> wrote:

>> I reckon Youth has down a grand job with the new mixes. Some good uns.

>> Admittedly only had a run through and a half but impressed.



>> Thoughts?

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