[kj] KJ/GallHammer

jpwhkj at aol.com jpwhkj at aol.com
Thu May 8 07:13:06 EDT 2014

And Amebix, of course, were big Joke fans.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Harper <jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk>
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:40
Subject: [kj] KJ/GallHammer

Hello all

This might be of interest to the extreme metal fans amongst us. I listen to a
lot of Japanese music, but GallHammer have never been my thing
musically-speaking. I'm impressed they've managed to become a successful,
despite being Japanese and all-female, both rarities in the western metal scene.

Their bassist is often sporting an Amebix t-shirt and I've found this snippet
from an old interview:

Question: In previous interviews, you have cited "older" bands such as Amebix
and Hellhammer as the main influences of Gallhammer's music. Are there any
contemporary bands that you admire?

Vivian: For us, Burzum, Hellhammer and Amebix are the most important influences
in our work, but we also take inspiration from Bauhaus, Joy Division and Killing
Joke. Everyone listens to different kinds of music within the group, so
ultimately we all influence each other.

Question: How did you discover Amebix, as they are seen as a relatively
"underground band"?

Vivian: When I was about eighteen, I went into a second-hand record store to the
heavy metal corner and I found an Amebix record. What first grabbed my attention
was the artwork on the cover, it seemed very interesting, so I wanted to hear
the album.

At first I wasn't aware that Amebix was crust punk, I thought they were just a
heavy metal group. On my first listen to the album I thought, "That sounds
really cool!" Heavy metal has very detailed lyrics and Amebix doesn’t have this
particular element. They keep to a very simplistic sound, whereas most heavy
metal music is different, so it was a fresh sound for me. I started to really
like Amebix and the crust punk genre. I also like D.I.R.T., which is a crust
punk band with a female vocalist.

I might give their music more of a listen, despite not liking any extreme metal.


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