[kj] KJ-Signed Guitar c. 2010

nicholas fitzpatrick gasw30 at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 3 09:02:15 EDT 2014

Geordie and Youth's signatures look suspiciously the same handwriting. Can imagine Geordie couldn't be arsed to sign it so got Youth to. Probably even gets Youth to carry his guitars, and light his fags. I imagine Geordie even has someone shit for him.
Big Paul seems to have crossed his signature out. Perhaps he was in two minds about whether he wanted to be in the band.
Jaz's signature looks like 'Joanne'.
I'd buy it but I can't play.

From: kjlist at live.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 09:04:40 -0500
Subject: [kj] KJ-Signed Guitar c. 2010


Apparently signed in Wolverhampton during the Absolute "Descent" tour:


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