[kj] "Pylon" is #10 on Rolling Stone's "Top 20 Metal Albums of 2015": Let the indignation commence...

B. Oliver Sheppard b.oliver.sheppard at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 11:23:29 EST 2015

I agree with Rheinhold when he wrote:

"Do we really expect Rolling Stone to have a "Best Unquantifiable Post-Punk
Albums of 2015" list? I get that KJ belong to no genre, blah blah, but I
suspect the band would like to, you know, actually sell some copies and
make some money off this one."​

I was a little (pleasantly) surprised they name checked Pinkish Black in
the review, as those are some local (Dallas) friends of mine who are nuts
about Killing Joke and were really stoked to see them mentioned in the same
review. (Pinkish Black are great, btw - check them out.) But seeing KJ
alongside a list that includes Marilyn Manson and Lamb of God is a little
depressing. Still, I hope it leads to new folks discovering them and to KJ
selling records, like RS says.

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