[kj] Lecture last night
humanhybrid666 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 21:14:37 EDT 2015
just saw this, how fitting...
"due to a lack of trained trumpeters, the end of the world has been
postponed indefinitely..."
On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 10:07 PM, Neil Perry <65snoopy at gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree that various powers-that-be right now are probably screwing with
> all sorts of things they shouldn't.
> As you say, humans are stupid. And cloud seeding is, or was, a fairly
> common practice (the Chinese
> tried it during the Olympic games in Beijing, apparently).
> However, with this particular chemtrails 'theory', I will willingly stake
> my life on the fact that it is utter bollocks.
> The photo in the link below is of American B17 bombers flying over Europe
> during WW2. They are
> leaving contrails. This is because the hot exhaust from the engines is
> reacting with the cold air.
> These are *exactly the same* as the contrails left by modern jet planes.
> While allied forces were fighting for their lives and flying missions over
> Europe to bomb the Nazis,
> were they also involved in a secret mission to spray something into the
> atmosphere? You can
> see the same trails in photos of RAF and Luftwaffe planes engaged in
> dogfights during the Battle
> of Britain. During this air war to halt the Nazi invasion of the UK, were
> *both sides*, for some reason, also
> thinking, right, this is the perfect opportunity to secretly spray stuff
> into the atmosphere...!?
> The whole chemtrail thing didn't start up until the mid-1990s... about the
> time any old nutjob with a mad theory
> could suddenly gain a wide audience thanks to the internet. If it had been
> going on since the 1940s, why
> had no one mentioned it before? Because it is made-up shite, that's why.
> Right. I promise never to speak of it again. For a while.
> B17s pic
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrail#/media/File:340bs-97bg-b-17s.jpg
> Battle of Britain pic
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Britain#/media/File:British_and_German_aircraft_a_dog_fight.jpg
> On 24 June 2015 at 00:27, bongo <humanhybrid666 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> i wont say i believe in them, but i would not put it passed The Powers
>> That Be to fuck around with geo-engineering...
>> in fact, i would not put it passed them to simply fuck around with things
>> they have little understanding of. so, to say it is all a load of bollox i
>> think is overly simplistic. these cunts have huge budgets and no morals.
>> and like doing stuff... ... ...
>> i would be VERY surprised if they haven't at least attempted spraying
>> shit in the atmosphere.
>> "due to a lack of trained trumpeters, the end of the world has been
>> postponed indefinitely..."
>> On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 11:29 PM, jpwhkj--- via Gathering <
>> gathering at misera.net> wrote:
>>> Yep, the Extremities gigs were exceptional... in part because the first
>>> gulf war was just starting, and Killing Joke sounded relevant.
>>> Maybe if you believe in chem-trails they still do. Anyone?
>>> Jamie
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: adrianwason <adrianwason at btinternet.com>
>>> To: A list about all things Killing Joke \\(the band!\\) <
>>> gathering at misera.net>
>>> Sent: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 5:46
>>> Subject: Re: [kj] Lecture last night
>>> during the EDAVRE tour, those gigs were as tense as fuck and the
>>> lyrics meaningful,
>>> that's why those gigs will always be special, there have been some one
>>> off brilliant gigs since such as Subterreania 94 Underworld 2003,Astoria
>>> 2005,but they still didn't t have the vibe of the early gigs on that tour
>>> ----Original message----
>>> From : npscott at blueyonder.co.uk
>>> Date : 22/06/2015 - 14:32 (GMTDT)
>>> To : gathering at misera.net
>>> Subject : Re: [kj] Lecture last night
>>> The only time I have seen and took Jaz seriously was during the EDAVRE
>>> tour, those gigs were as tense as fuck and the lyrics meaningful, and you
>>> could see Jaz and the rest of the band truly meant it onstage.
>>> First outing tour of Pandemonium pre-album release in the UK when I
>>> saw Jaz in his Jesters garb I laughed out loud, since then his stage antics
>>> have been nothing but repetitive B movie style antics and he amuses me.
>>> On 22 June 2015 at 14:05, Rob Moss <rob.moss at gmx.com> wrote:
>>>> I like Jaz a great deal. I like his intelligence and his passion and
>>>> I think he is the sort of charismatic individual that could quite easily
>>>> start a cult. He does already have a cult following really. And that's why
>>>> I am always wary of him and have never been a "follower".
>>>> I'm wary of all people like him whether they are musicians,
>>>> politicians, business leaders, religious sorts. Entertaining. At a
>>>> distance!!
>>>> On 22 Jun 2015, at 13:23, jpwhkj--- via Gathering <
>>>> gathering at misera.net> wrote:
>>>> I took him very seriously when I was 17 or so - quite a while ago,
>>>> admittedly ;-)
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Rob Moss < rob.moss at gmx.com>
>>>> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <
>>>> gathering at misera.net>
>>>> CC: jpwhkj < jpwhkj at aol.com>
>>>> Sent: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 13:14
>>>> Subject: Re: [kj] Lecture last night
>>>> As do most people as they get older!
>>>> I've never taken Jaz too serioulsly and not about to start now!
>>>> On 22 Jun 2015, at 12:16, jpwhkj--- via Gathering <
>>>> gathering at misera.net> wrote:
>>>> " among a whole pack of very dumb conspiracies"
>>>> You've just summed up the last 15 years of KJ lyrics.
>>>> <sigh>
>>>> Once upon a time, KJ lyrics were brief, mysterious, and, er,
>>>> interesting. They've gradually morphed into verbose billboard-sized
>>>> tediousness.
>>>> Jamie
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Neil Perry < 65snoopy at gmail.com>
>>>> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <
>>>> gathering at misera.net>
>>>> Sent: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 10:27
>>>> Subject: Re: [kj] Lecture last night
>>>> Thanks for that.
>>>> I think you'll agree (best read in a Marge Simpson-talking-to-Homer
>>>> voice) that we've put up with
>>>> a lot during our 30+ year relationship with this band. For a large
>>>> part of it, Jaz's beliefs have shaped
>>>> the band and their output, and this never detracted from my enjoyment
>>>> because I was never
>>>> being asked to accept those beliefs as fact. Jaz has spent a lifetime
>>>> researching and practising
>>>> various esoteric and mystical interests that, generally, added to the
>>>> vibe of the music, and I
>>>> was happy to accept it all as part of overall KJ experience.
>>>> However, his recent lurch into full-on conspiracy theory mode I
>>>> find... what's a polite word...
>>>> irritating, and to hear he's gone down the chemtrail route is
>>>> particularly irksome.
>>>> The chemtrail theory is one of the dumbest among a whole pack of very
>>>> dumb conspiracies...
>>>> it is so rediculous that I can only rationalise it by thinking that
>>>> this is some sort of multi-layered
>>>> joke from Jaz, because I cannot accept that he actually thinks this
>>>> has any basis in reality.
>>>> 'Chemtrails' are condensation trails - that is why the real name is
>>>> 'contrails' - and are formed when
>>>> plane engines spew out water vapour, which crystallize into ice in
>>>> the cold air. This is what those
>>>> trails are - clouds of ice. That is why they hang there, and slowly
>>>> dissipate (and note, contrary to
>>>> the conspiracy claims, they do just hang there, achieving nothing -
>>>> if something was being sprayed, wouldn't the
>>>> sprayers want the substance to reach the ground?)
>>>> Just think about it: The entire commercial airline industry - because
>>>> every single jet plane in existence produces these trails - is working
>>>> for their respective governments/the NWO, to spray something on the
>>>> planet. And not one person, among the millions who
>>>> work in the airline industry, including hundreds of thousands of
>>>> trained pilots, who presumably have to
>>>> do the spraying, has ever blown the whistle, or even asked, Excuse me,
>>>> what's this stuff coming out of my plane?
>>>> OK, sorry, rant over. This is not mystical or esoteric, it is idiocy
>>>> of the highest order and it just drives me fecking mad.
>>>> On 18 June 2015 at 13:50, nicholas fitzpatrick <gasw30 at hotmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> So, last night then.
>>>>> First off, two items of news. Jaz and Geordie want to take 100
>>>>> Gatherers to India at some point (October next year, I think) to complete a
>>>>> several-day pilgrimage around a holy mountain visiting various temples. I
>>>>> forget the name of the pilgrimage, but it is a well-established Hindu
>>>>> pilgrimage that takes place around a full moon.
>>>>> “If you’re on the dole and can’t afford it, we’ll just find a way
>>>>> for you to go”.
>>>>> Jaz said that him and Geordie wanted to act as “mentors” to the 100
>>>>> to help them identify their inner genius. The idea is, IIRC, to then meet
>>>>> at the next full moon in the UK, and then again a year later to see how
>>>>> much life has changed.
>>>>> Second item of news, is that Jaz plans to do more lectures around
>>>>> the country between tour dates.
>>>>> The whole activity appears aimed at, as I say, helping those who
>>>>> want to, to identify their inner genius.
>>>>> Last night was a game of two halves. The first half was about the
>>>>> New World Order and the various conspiracy-theory spokes that come out of
>>>>> that topic. So we heard that the 100-year-old Rockefeller is at the centre
>>>>> of the NWO and wants to finish his project before he dies. And we heard
>>>>> about FEMA camps, about vapour trails dropping nano worms, control of
>>>>> population through food supply, and fluoride in the water….
>>>>> Frankly it was a bit of a ramble so a bit hard for me to put
>>>>> something down coherently about it. Perhaps others could do a better job.
>>>>> Although it was moderately engaging in places, when the break came
>>>>> and I turned around to see that my two pals (who aren’t fans) had left
>>>>> early; I wasn’t surprised. You had to be very sympathetic to Jaz to sit
>>>>> through non-sourced and surely in some cases wildly exaggerated claims.
>>>>> For example, he spoke of a US senator who did or found something out
>>>>> (can’t remember what it was but it was alarming), but he didn’t name the
>>>>> senator so how can that be verified? Why wouldn’t you name the senator? It
>>>>> just wreaks of pseudo-academic research.
>>>>> Another example, this time of exaggeration: he mentioned that a
>>>>> member of KJ was close to Rockefeller and, by implication, has some great
>>>>> looking-hole into the whole conspiracy shebang.
>>>>> Obviously he’s referring to BPF here… but c’mon, are we seriously
>>>>> expected to believe that BPF and Rockefeller are tight? Are we supposed to
>>>>> believe that Rockefeller, who knows presidents, prime ministers,
>>>>> celebrities and the other four people that run the universe, suddenly, in
>>>>> the very final years of his life, as he’s getting towards 100 and going to
>>>>> die, thinks to himself, ‘I know, I’m going to become really close to that
>>>>> guy there, the one who plays drums in a band. He once dusted down the toes
>>>>> of an ancient Buddha sculpture for my Foundation, where he works part-time
>>>>> along with 14,000 other people who I also don’t know. I’m going to let this
>>>>> guy into my inner sanctum and I’m going to tell him everything.’
>>>>> Course he didn’t do that. Course he f-ing didn’t.
>>>>> The second half I suppose dwelt a bit more on the spiritual, though
>>>>> again it’s a bit hard to sum it up as the road he steered through this
>>>>> topic had many turns, junctions, and needed resurfacing in places.
>>>>> He ended though with a very nice reading and seemed moved as he left
>>>>> the stage quickly.
>>>>> Forgive my somewhat negative review. I’m sure there’s lots I‘ve
>>>>> missed. It was as always a great privilege to sit in with Coleman and I
>>>>> think it’s great that he does these things.
>>>>> He was in a friendly, relaxed mood and there were many flashes of
>>>>> humour.
>>>>> About 5/10 for content.
>>>>> 8/10 for delivery.
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