[kj] Youth Hates Hosannas

Nick Scott npscott at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Nov 19 11:43:54 EST 2015

That was Kneill Brown on bass guitar, and I believe still had Benny Calvert on
drums  Have seen KJ on every tour since (apart from Democracy when they did not
play any UK dates) and Hossanas tour was a real low point, Jaz's vocal was
shot...drinking and smoking had really taken hold...would have to agree the sad
death of Raven most certainly was not just a health wake up call, but also the
catalyst to the reformation and re-evaluation.

I am personally stoked with how things have gone since 2008, and obviously not
everyone agrees ( and I wouldn't expect anything other than that on here when it
comes to Killing Joke, part of their beauty is differing opinions on songs and
albums) but for me Pylon is a joyous release only slightly marred as far as I am
concerned with the sound quality on the UK tour...hope they get things sorted
for the US tour.

Interesting support band from what I have heard as well The Soft Moon, their
post-punk/dark wave should fit in nicely I feel at gigs.

>     On 19 November 2015 at 16:23 "T.B." <planetary at socal.rr.com> wrote:
>     Neil Perry wrote:
>     That's an interesting take on the whole thing. Never thought of it like
> that.
>     When was that gig in Camden when it was just Jaz and Geordie plus two
> other blokes?
>     I thought that really was the end of the line - amazing how such a
> turnaround happened, considering.
>     ++++++++++++++++++++
>     The 2006 tour was pretty much the nadir. I remember everyone wondering the
> entire tour who the guy on bass was. Geordie looking a bit too loaded at some
> shows and Jaz at his most bloated.:
>     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omfNB6EDkWA
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