[kj] Cardiff Setlist

Brendan Quinn bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Fri Oct 30 05:04:34 EDT 2015

Wonder if the TDARS doco helped to raise the band’s profile, feeding into the current—frankly surprising—level of success? 


More professionalism / less shooting in the foot this time? 


Not saying KJ / Pylon don’t deserve all this kudos, but they’ve been brilliant since 1978 and still remained under most people’s radar.


From: Gathering [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of fatpotanga
Sent: Thursday, 29 October 2015 7:42 a.m.
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Subject: Re: [kj] Cardiff Setlist


name on the front, spider on the back - all that’s missing is a lunch box and some mittens on a bit of string through the sleeves :)


i jest of course. Looks pretty cool haviing the trademark boiler suit personalised. There is a feeling with the band, the album, the way the whole pre-release was executed and the tour that things are being done properly. Like there’s a well thought out plan and people are sticking to it. There’s a vibe, an energy, a feeling that good things are happening and better things are coming. 

Hats off to those in charge, you’re doing a fine job!

fatpotanga, excelling in failure


On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 12:02 AM, Paul <dubecho at gmail.com <mailto:dubecho at gmail.com> > wrote:




On 26 October 2015 at 16:38, adrianwason at btinternet.com <mailto:adrianwason at btinternet.com>  <adrianwason at btinternet.com <mailto:adrianwason at btinternet.com> > wrote:

I can't remember but he wasn't in a very good mood as his microphone wasn't working for Automonous Zone, or something wasn't working, I was down the other end by Geordie, just flicking through my videos they played Change and the spider on the back of Jaz's new boiler suite is luminous so beat that!

----Original message----
>From : vassifer at earthlink.net <mailto:vassifer at earthlink.net> 
Date : 26/10/2015 - 14:33 (GMTST)
To : gathering at misera.net <mailto:gathering at misera.net> 
Subject : Re: [kj] Cardiff Setlist

Seeing reports on Facebook (for whatever that’s worth) that Jaz walked off during the encore? True? False? What’s the story?


Alex in NYC





On Oct 26, 2015, at 9:18 AM, fatpotanga <fatpotanga at gmail.com <mailto:fatpotanga at gmail.com> > wrote:


well, Matt wasnt kidding when he said the odd surprise would be in there; Absent Friends - wow!

I am hoping tracks off Pylon dominated?

With a 30 year back catalogue I am *so* tired of asteroid, wardance, requiem, communion, change etc etc being wheeled out time and time again, so I cross my fingers for more curve balls

Sent from Mailbox <https://www.dropbox.com/mailbox>  


On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:08 PM, adrianwason at btinternet.com <mailto:adrianwason at btinternet.com>  <adrianwason at btinternet.com <mailto:adrianwason at btinternet.com> > wrote:

was a funny sort of gig not much atmosphere technical problems at the start but Absent Friends was second track!

----Original message----
>From : npscott at blueyonder.co.uk <mailto:npscott at blueyonder.co.uk> 
Date : 26/10/2015 - 08:43 (GMTST)
To : gathering at misera.net <mailto:gathering at misera.net> 
Subject : Re: [kj] Cardiff Setlist

I am hoping someone posts it...only thing I have gleaned from videos that have been uploaded to Facebook, twitter and youtube so far is that Wardance, Asteroid and Euphoria were played.....no real surprises there....

Do they actually think we like keep hearing fucking Asteroid?

On 26 October 2015 at 08:38 Mark Vickers <vickersms at hotmail.co.uk <mailto:vickersms at hotmail.co.uk> > wrote: 

Hi all, can anyone advise the setlist from last night? 


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