[kj] Buh-Bye, Prince (R.I.P.)

Paul dubecho at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 14:41:40 EDT 2016

Sad really and I guess he'll not be the last this year either. The golden
age of celebrity is dying right in front of our eyes.
With the arrival of TV in the late 50s, more people became famous and a lot
of these celebs are now reaching that dying age.
Does not make it any more palatable though and makes one think about one's
own mortality. Anyway live life to the fullest!

In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in
your years.
Abraham Lincoln

RIP Prince Rogers Nelson. The artist forever Known as Prince.

On 21 April 2016 at 19:16, T.B. <planetary at socal.rr.com> wrote:

> Prince has died.  Apparently, whatever illness or medical issue that
> forced his plane to make an emergency landing and get him to a hospital a
> few days ago was a lot more serious than it was let on.
> T.B.
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