[kj] cancelled NA gigs, Youth speaks....

T.B. planetary at socal.rr.com
Mon Jan 11 12:56:28 EST 2016

wessidetempest . wrote:

I can't remember when the pandemonium tour was but I'm pretty sure that
every NA tour since then has at least been in the fall of not winter. Don't
ask me why. 

And as far as insurance claims go if they keep doing it they will eventually
become uninsurable. 
And there's a whole argument to the business side of that anyways. BUT the
reason I bring it up is that John Entwistle of Who could not be insured
personally when he passed in Las Vegas during their tour. And it could have
been a financial headache getting him home etc if he didn't have any $¢$ to
remedy the situation. 


Every show I've seen them play on the West Coast of the US since 2003 has
been between November through December with the exception of the 2013 tour
which was in May (and happened to be a great show).  I honestly don't know
why they've booked tours through the US in the Winter unless it's a
perceived lack of competition/cheaper costs for open dates at smaller venues
or maybe that's when the four of them typically have the open time to play
North America.

And I agree every time they blow off a tour, it further damages their rep
not just the ability to insure a tour, but reduces the number of promoters
and opportunities to mount any sort of tour in the future, and not just here
in the US. 


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