[kj] Degrees of Separation between Bowie & the Joke

Alex Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 19 09:33:01 EST 2016

Obviously, in recent days, I've been fixated on Bowie (much like a whole lot of people), which got me thinking of him in terms of him and Killing Joke.

I can't say that prior to Bowie's death I'd ever heard much from the members of the `Joke about the man. I do seem to remember RAVEN unloading on Bowie here on the Gathering many eons ago (obviously) for Bowie's alleged abandonment of Mick Ronson circa the guitarist's death, but I don't recall the specifics. (Possibly something as simple as Bowie never visiting Ronson in hospital). But, again, I don't have all the facts.

Then, of course, there is Hansa. Would that recording studio (where everyone from the Joke to Depeche Mode to U2 and beyond have recorded) be a third as storied and prominent in the lore of rock history had it not been for Bowie and Eno recording the Berlin trilogy there? Then that triggered the memory of the anecdote of Geordie going bonkers with a fire extinguisher there one drunken evening and befouling a piano ... begging the question: If true, would that have been the piano heard on "Heroes"?

Just thinking out load. Always thought there was a Killing Joke-ish vibe to "Heart's Filthy Lesson" as well.
-Alex in NYC

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