[kj] Fight

Neil Perry 65snoopy at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 07:10:27 EST 2016


It has been interesting watching the resurgence of KJ with the last 3
A world with Killing Joke in it is obviously way more interesting than one
without, and I
am glad for them and us that they've had a bit of a career re-boot and are
winning over
new fans. An in-form KJ on stage is still one of the most thrilling live
music events
you can witness, I think we all agree on that.

But for me the last 3 albums are the least interesting records they've ever
done. They are
a straight ahead rock band now, more or less, and much of the rhythmic
invention and
innovation that set them apart from every other band out there has gone.
Admittedly my tastes have
changed massively over the last decade - after 20+ years I became bored
with blokes shouting
over guitars and my new passion is African music, both new and old - but I
still look to KJ to create the rock music
that no one else is capable of. And that is a bit of a lost cause nowadays
I think.

The only songs from Absolute Dissent I play on a regular basis are ESS and
Ladbroke Grove, from
MMXII, In Cythera and All Hallows Eve. The one recent release with KJ's
name on it that I listen to all the time is KJ In Dub.

So when I listen to Snakedance I think, yeah, they've still got it. I just
wish it happened more often.

On 28 November 2016 at 09:23, The Stranger via Gathering <
gathering at misera.net> wrote:

> You've crossed a line Mr. Perry and I, FOR ONE, will not STAND for it!!!!
> Now get back here!
> :)
> Just kidding.  I just re-visited the original Snake Dance and, I concur,
> it's pretty badass.
> Not the best though!!!  If I had to choose one it would have to be.....
> Autonomous Zone.
> Ok bye!!
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad <https://yho.com/footer0>
> On Sunday, November 27, 2016, 2:36 PM, Neil Perry <65snoopy at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Seeing as how its been kicking off on here recently, I
> don't want to miss out on my fair share of action, so:
> Snake Dance is by far the best track on Pylon.
> OK bye
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