[kj] Gathering Digest, Vol 168, Issue 17

kevin patrickvieira at msn.com
Fri Jan 27 10:29:16 EST 2017

RE Chemtrails

Well in London its pretty hard to tell at the moment considering the sky is covered from a pretty low level.
Interestingly I was just in Tel Aviv for 2 weeks and didn`t see one hint of a chemtrail anywhere the entire time-despite
large amounts of aeroplane traffic.
Same in Japan- been there nearly 6 months in total in all seasons and seen nothing ever.  Two  nations that are very protective of their citizens.
The same as it was for the entire period plus a few days beforehand in London at the time of the Olympics- just the normal little fluffy clouds that I remember from when I was a kid.

I was reading a copy of `Forbes` magazine recently and they were talking about how venture capitalists are pouring money into some top secret technology that is going to `change everything` eliminating the need for any kind of handset or monitor so I reckon the whole planet is being terraformed to bring in some sort of `Minority Report` style online atmosphere. That's what I reckon this week anyway.

Anyway bro- I assume your trying to take the piss so...go right ahead...be my guest



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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 04:09:58 -0500
From: jpwhkj at aol.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] Gathering Digest, Vol 168, Issue 15
Message-ID: <159df304121-1e25-adb7 at webprd-m55.mail.aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Enough of that.  What about the chemtrails?

-----Original Message-----
From: kevin <patrickvieira at msn.com>
To: gathering <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 7:02
Subject: Re: [kj] Gathering Digest, Vol 168, Issue 15

I`m happy Trump got in. Fucking overjoyed actually.
Seem to recall there was a post on here around August from someone in the UK I think

declaring he didn`t have a prayer. Mmmm.

I think Jaz mentioned he was more relieved that Hillary didn`t get in but he seems to change his views like the weather on these things.
He seemed to be really revelling in teasing the UK audiences about `How is your Brexit going?` etc but I also heard he was `50/50` on that
(strange for someone who seems to jump on people for being `fence sitters.`)
Jaz ws very outspoken on TIPP so now Trump has killed TPP I`m sure he is revelling in that presumably dying..

I don`t think BPF likes him but can`t speak for others. He put up a John Pilger piece which was very anti Trump during the election..
Geordie no idea but a big supporter of EU so I hear.

Youth I assume is wearing a Pink Pussy hat and waving a placard with a crying polar bear on it or something...

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