[kj] (OT) Don't-let-The-Gathering-die! Emergency Poll

bongo humanhybrid666 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 05:25:28 EST 2018

On 16 Jan. 2018 18:44, "fatpotanga ." <fatpotanga at gmail.com> wrote:

(Courtesy of Richard Herring.)

1. Have you ever seen a ghost?
Probably not, but I've had a lot of things I can't explain. Like Johnny
I've had lot of Entity/sleep paralysis incidents, felt things try and push
themselves into my body (fnarr), breath in my face, nails/claws pinning my
wrists, been dragged across the room only to be in bed.

Yep, fuckin weird shit, unless you've experienced it, you'll just never
I wouldn't say its unexplainable, just that most people do not or will not
believe what you tell them... all I know is that it was real, even tho it
wasn't real!
Unspeakable, I decided..
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