[kj] Killing Joke, Northumbria University, Newcastle (The Northern Echo)

Paul dubecho at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 11:28:32 EST 2018


5th November
*Killing Joke, Northumbria University, Newcastle*

[image: image.jpg]
Killing Joke

MOST bands celebrating their 40th anniversary are lucky if they can scrape
together one or two original members, quite often only the bassist or
drummer remains which dilutes the effect somewhat.

Killing Joke however buck that trend as they hit the road with the original
line-up that formed four decades ago as a bunch of raucous teenagers to
celebrate 40 years as a band.

With no fewer than 15 studio albums to draw from, their setlist covered all
eras from their self-titled debut album to their latest release, Pylon as
Paul Ferguson`s furious tribal drumming on Unspeakable set the pace,
swiftly followed by the trance-like beat and Youth`s bubbling bass of
European Super State demonstrating Killing Joke`s startling ability to
turn, chameleon-like from one genre to another without skipping a beat.

Whether it`s Metal, Punk, Industrial, Goth, Pop or Dance, nothing is out of
the question and few bands have this ability to transcend musical barriers.

Enigmatic frontman Jaz Coleman was absolutely mesmerising as his manic,
anguished expressions unleashed his pent-up fury at the state of the world
during New Cold War and Corporate Elect. At times the music was dark,
oppressive and stifling reflecting his frustrations but was never less than

Iconic hits, Eighties and the classic Love Like Blood, with its haunting
Gothic melody provided a melodic counterpoint to the more intense Loose
Canon where Geordie`s grinding riff provided the backdrop to Coleman`s most
venomous vocals.

Over the course of the show the vintage Requiem, the relentless assault of
The Wait and Wardance rubbed shoulders with the more recent Autonomous Zone
which showed that Killing Joke`s anger hasn`t subdued 40 years on and as
the suitably named Pandemonium brought the birthday celebrations to a
cacophonous end this was one dysfunctional party to savour.
Mick Burgess
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