[kj] Nice interview w/Jaz by SonarFM in Chile

Joe Cosenza D_pin_the_c at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 5 16:36:35 EDT 2018

Nice interview done during the S.A. portion of this tour.

Audio is in English w/Spanish subtitles.

At about the 1:30 mark Jaz mentions a little of what is to come next year which sounds awesome!


Jaz Coleman: "Cobain temía que enviara a alguien a romperle las piernas por robar nuestra música"<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1r0s4Og9l8>
El líder de Killing Joke, Jaz Coleman, conversó con SonarFM sobre su banda, su inspiración, el mundo, el suicidio y Kurt Cobain. Únete a Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SonarFMChile/ Síguenos en Twitter https://twitter.com/sonarfm Y también en instagram https://www.instagram.com/sonarfm/

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