[kj] Jaz Coleman (Official) [Facebook Post]

Andreas Misera andreasmisera at yahoo.de
Tue Oct 16 17:41:20 EDT 2018

Oh, I did enjoy it! A lot!!! One of the best KJ gigs I‘ve been to, I think. Now considering going to London in a month... :-D

And look who I met:


> Am 16.10.2018 um 21:58 schrieb Paul <dubecho at gmail.com>:
> Nice one Andreas, enjoy : )
>> On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 20:55, Andreas Misera via Gathering <gathering at misera.net> wrote:
>> Gig in Munich. Right now. :-)
>>> Am 16.10.2018 um 21:44 schrieb Paul <dubecho at gmail.com>:
>>> The Pledge LP box set was cancelled. The CD one is still on track I believe. A smaller LP set, including KJ2003, is on offer now at a much lower price that the original hugely overpriced LP box set.
>>> Aye, I too like to hear the tour bus side of things. No doubt there'll be more now from the european leg. Some of the band members Instagram pictures were of the european tour bus, it looks well comfortable. I was going to post them, but did not want to spam the list, but if there is a want, I can post.
>>> I've still not made my mind up where I'm going to catch them, I'd best do so soon though ...lol
>>>> On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 20:32, Neil Perry <65snoopy at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for that. Love the stuff about the tour bus and morning routines.
>>>> I like the new media-free Jaz.
>>>> (And what happened to the Pledge box set?)
>>>>> On Mon, 15 Oct 2018 at 20:56, Paul <dubecho at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Posted by Jaz on FB, posting here for those who don't use it.
>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/JazColemanOfficial/posts/2177703322248124
>>>>> Jaz Coleman (Official)
>>>>> 3 hrs
>>>>> Dearly beloved Gatherers, Church of Killing Joke and Global Hummers
>>>>> I am currently taking a deep breath before we begin the European and British tour in Hamburg this evening. One of the worst things about touring is when you stop, suddenly the body seems prone to infections and one appears to lose a lot of energy. If I am honest, prior to the American tour, I was in a state of dread. 
>>>>> I think my views on American foreign policy are well-known, but the funniest thing happened: the complete opposite of my expectations. For example, I never thought I would hear myself say how much I wanted to return to America, but that is exactly how I feel after what can only be described as a victorious tour. Maybe it was because I’ve stopped listening to radio, television and all forms of alternative and mainstream media, simply because it makes me so fucking miserable. 
>>>>> And what a journey it’s been from Seattle to Lima, nothing short of mind-blowing. So many wonderful people following us from gig to gig, hundreds of stories about the power of Killing Joke’s music and how the music has changed their lives. I met Gatherers who were force-fed Killing Joke by their parents from an early age and came to love not just the music, but the lifestyle Killing Joke advocates. I met so many people who told me how the music got them through their lives and in excess of a dozen individuals who told me the music prevented them from committing suicide. 
>>>>> In fact, everybody I met had a story to tell about this incredible music that has been the soundtrack to all of our lives. And I saw surprise also, surprise on Gatherers’ faces to discover I am a Gatherer too, standing outside of the band and looking inwards. I tried to make it my personal goal to meet and talk to as many Gatherers as I possibly could and I feel so very deeply touched by the significance of our little band. 
>>>>> I loved life on the tour bus, American tour buses have higher ceilings and larger bunks. At the back of the tour bus is the Bad Boys’ Room, for smokers and drinkers only. It is also an incredible library, books such as The War of Art (yes, that’s right, The War of Art), Slave Race of the Anunnaki, The End of Peak Oil, the poems of Dylan Thomas and the Bhagavad Gita are stacked up on the shelves (Geordie always liked a tidy back lounge). 
>>>>> The cupboards are full of vinyl that Youth collects from second-hand record shops on a daily basis, along with other junk like statues of the Virgin Mary and antler horns. On days off, I enjoy a premium cigar with the guys (my last remaining pleasure. Because of the reflux problem I have and its effect on my voice, tea, caffeine, mustard, chili, wheat, dairy and sugar are all banned from my diet. Smoking anything that one inhales is a serious no-no.)
>>>>> Every morning, Geordie wakes up first and one is awoken by the faint aroma of Dunhill International! I wake up next, join Geordie in the back lounge. Big Paul is next to wake and starts his day eating healthy muesli and making weird smoothies. Lastly, Youth awakes, saturnine and grumpy until his first cup of tea and spliff, at which point his puckish nature returns. 
>>>>> The days off in America were normally in obscure towns which are more like car parks surrounded by shopping malls. This is where I would find the occasional cigar shop and hang out with some of the locals. We even stopped in Dave Grohl’s home town and I met someone who claims to live in the house he was brought up in. 
>>>>> There was a great vibe between band members (compared to some other tours!) and everybody seemed to support each other, often going out shopping together or eating at restaurants.
>>>>> Preparing for a Killing Joke show is a spiritual experience. One feels like a coiled spring all day, constantly asking crew how many more hours till show time, measuring one’s energy levels at all times. And then we all come together in a circle and… invoke that spirit that has sustained us through the years. After this, I generally walk around alone and collect my thoughts.
>>>>> Most of the audience weren’t even born when we put our 10th record out, but occasionally we would meet an old face from the past, from 1980 (like Vivian Goldman in New York). I can’t remember one bad gig, they were all takeover events. 
>>>>> One young lady in Dallas told me her father bought her ticket for her and so wanted to come but was suffering from a virulent strain of cancer. So I conveyed this to the audience and was delighted to see so many messages of love and support for him left at the merch stand. This is our Gathering of wonderful, loving human beings that after all these years I am so very proud of. 
>>>>> As for Mexico City and the South American tour, nothing short of mind-blowing. Hordes of Gatherers at the airport, outside the hotel 24/7, astonished Gatherers watching these old punks greet everybody as they’re lining up for the concert. Gigs of such intensity that there were people crying in the audience.
>>>>> Life on the road has become so utterly addictive that my thoughts are with the late Paul Raven, who loved human beings with all their faults, like I do. And as we approach the European tour, synchronicities are already starting to occur. We play at Usine in Geneva, almost 11 years to the day that we held Raven’s wake in the very same building. So at 6.45 on the 26th October, we will hold a short memorial for Raven. Gatherers who knew Paul personally will take precedence, other than this it will be first come, first served and I expect everybody to bring one item that is stolen as an offering. 
>>>>> The only home the late Paul Raven ever knew was the tour bus and I empathise with this from my current standpoint. I have decided to leave Prague and begin a nomadic lifestyle once again. Over the course of the coming month, I look forward to meeting as many people as possible, sharing information and stories.
>>>>> Finally, I would like to thank my brothers in arms for this amazing journey, and I would like to thank everyone who loves this wonderful band.
>>>>> Jaz Coleman
>>>>> PS: Are there any builders who would like to join me in Cythera to get some cabins up this summer (i.e. European winter)? Please let me know.
>>>>> PS2: I cannot put into words how I feel about the failure of the box set. I was not consulted on the details of it (which isn’t surprising seeing as I don’t take emails) and I only heard about the horrendous price during the American tour. Clearly, it hadn’t been well thought out, rather like Symphonic Killing Joke, where no preliminary budget was made. However, I am happy to say the recording is out of this world and although it will arrive late, Symphony Killing Joke (or Magna Invocatio, as I call it) will reach everybody early in the new year (date TBC). Thanks to all the good people at Pledge, the generosity of St Petersburg Philharmonic (and the Russian Ministry of Culture), the love of the Lucis Trust, which has changed my life, and finally and most significantly, this project was saved by the hard work of Carla Potter.
>>>>> https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/review-killing-joke-40th-anniversary-tour-new-york-723549/
>>>>> Photos: Youth
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