[kj] Killing Joke coming back to US This Fall To Support... Tool!

Adrianwason adrianwason at btinternet.com
Sat Aug 31 14:52:56 EDT 2019

Hi Jim, 
100% agreement, having just seen them 2 weeks  ago they will blow anyone off the stage. Saw them support Motley Crue, in 2005,they were shit hot and only spoilt by th thick as shit Motley Crue rabble... Satisfied I went home thinking I had seen the best band in the world again that night. My long suffering gig vig M8 Darren implored me to watch the reunion of Shockhead, doing a last gig to support the family of their guitarist Chris, who had died of a brain tumour. Their music is equivalent to Extremities era, but a bit more trippy, hopefully they will release something soon. The keyboard player Crum has tinnitus unfortunately but played with Hawkwind and the drummer Cosmo was tech for Greasy Gilmore, currently doing something for Slipknot? I don't know Their singer Robbie Blackett whose track was the walk on music for Cypress Hill last year... 

Sent from my Xperia by Sony smartphone

---- Jim Harper via Gathering wrote ----

> After seeing our heroes support Guns'n'Roses (urgh) and Motley Crue (dear god), I have absolutely no complaints about them playing large venues with high attendance in support of a band like Tool...
>     On Saturday, 31 August 2019, 17:45:34 GMT+9, The Stranger via Gathering <gathering at misera.net> wrote:  
> tool should be lugging Killing Joke’s gear and then not playing.
>Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
>On Saturday, August 31, 2019, 4:32 AM, Joe Cosenza <d_pin_the_c at hotmail.com> wrote:
>#yiv4836979766 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}tool should be supporting Killing Joke
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