[kj] OT: IDLES

Brian Whitehead bawhitehead at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 10:07:00 EST 2019

I managed to catch them a couple of times last year and the gig at
Manchester Gorilla was truly unbelievable. The whole place was pulsating.
I was old enough to be most of the audiences dad/grandad. Restored my faith
to a certain extent.
Bigged up massively by 6Music...but in my opinion well justified
Big thumbs up from me.

The next big one coming through the pipeline is Fontaines DC...lets see.


On Thu, 28 Feb 2019 at 14:19, Alex Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:

> I remember fleetingly discussing them with Rob Moss and some others back
> in November when I was over there, but what's everyone's take on the
> Bristol band, IDLES, whose latest album JOY AS AN ACT OF RESISTANCE even
> caught the attention of the Brit Awards (although they did not win --
> probably for the best).
> I realize there's a bit of backlash about their "authenticity" as working
> class (spearheaded by the Sleaford Mods and the Fat White Family), but as
> far as I'm concerned, they make great, bracing music and look like they put
> on a damn entertaining live show. But, again, results may vary.
> What say you all?
> Cheers,
> -Alex in NYC
> PS: Trump is shit.
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