[kj] KJ project – and we're off

Paul dubecho at gmail.com
Fri May 15 07:20:24 EDT 2020

Cool, sounds good and probably the right time to be asking, as age and
various abuses down the years is making recollection harder and harder
these days lol for me anyway  : )

Best of luck with the project.

On Fri 15 May 2020, 12:14 PM CHRIS BRYANS via Gathering, <
gathering at misera.net> wrote:

> Hello
> Some of you lovely people will probably already have seen this morning's
> FB post re a new book. For those that have not:
> Gatherers!
> We are working on a new official book that will tell the story of Killing
> Joke in the words of fans.
> How did you discover the band's music and become a Gatherer? Was it by
> listening to a Peel session? Watching them Jaz-less on Top of the Pops with
> Empire Song (or later on with Love Like Blood/Millennium/Pandemonium)? Or
> by seeing them on stage – where they can compare in power and intensity
> with pretty much any other British group of the past half-century?
> All of these recollections can be bound up in your memories of seeing the
> band live – where, when, who you went with, together with what you remember
> of watching them pulverise the crowds night after night. Did you get to
> meet the band? Did you survive the experience intact?
> Let's face it, the experience of seeing Killing Joke tends to lodge in the
> headspace for a great many reasons. Every memory, however slight, helps us
> paint a picture for our people’s history of Killing Joke. And we hope to
> spring a few surprises in the book as well.
> If you would like to be part of this new book, please email your story to
> the author: chris.bryans at hotmail.co.uk
> So there we go. Hope you find time to contribute. I'll be sending another
> message soon to amplify some of the points above.
> Best
> Chris
> On 10 March 2020 at 13:43 CHRIS BRYANS via Gathering <gathering at misera.net>
> wrote:
> Hello, all
> I am a longtime lurker to this site, as well as being an occasional
> poster.
> There is an upcoming project that may (or may not) interest some of you on
> here. A portion of it figures to be fan reviews of gigs from Joke's long
> and chequered past. What I am looking for is more than the "they were
> great. I went home" sort of thing. Lively, salty, indiscreet, blasphemous,
> drug-fuelled – I think there would be very little that is off limits. We
> are, after all, talking about the Joke here.
> I would imagine that pretty much everyone has a least one memorable
> encounter that, memory willing, can be dredged up from the past. It doesn't
> have to be one of the oft-cited gigs (1979 shows, CND rally, Reading
> Hexagon, Porchester, Camden Underworld, etc etc etc), though it certainly
> can be if you like. It could just be a low-key gig that stood out for you
> for what could be a wide variety of reasons. Of course, it should be Joke
> focused but there is a lot of leeway to make it a slice of life, too.
> Perhaps you met the band, perhaps you hooked up with someone who then
> became a significant other, perhaps the band were the best thing you have
> ever seen (before or since). And don't hold back if you would prefer to
> focus on a night when they were, to put it mildly, not at their best. This
> is not an arse-kicking exercise but neither should it be an arse-kissing
> love-in.
> I am probably getting ahead of myself here, but the length of review can
> vary. I guess it depends on the story you have to tell. But succinct and
> vivid will usually fit the bill.
> If you feel like you want to contribute, thanks a million. And cheers in
> general to the Gatherers.
> Best
> Chris
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