[kj] America

Thomas Bell planetary at socal.rr.com
Sun Jan 10 15:27:30 EST 2021

From: Gathering [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of GREG SLAWSON

Anyone who has spoken in favor of Trump should be banned from this page and reported to their employers etc. They are racist and domestic terrorists.




Well, good to see fascism lives.  I guess with my following screed, I’m gonna be booted and out of a job, eh?


I didn’t vote for Trump either election.  I knew what he was long before 2015.  That said, I think his rhetoric brought to light the chaos that is our immigration policies, China and other issues that have been largely shoved under the carpet for a long time.  His very presence brought out the worst not just in his own supporters but shone a light on how far out there some in his opposition had gone. The hypocrisy on both sides with the responses regarding last Summer’s destructive protesting and riots versus last weeks Capitol invasion is frankly stunning.  The downside is that Trump and his adversaries dragged the public divide to unheard of gutter level.  It might be hyperbole, but Civil War is still a very real possibility.


But there’s no question he was going to go down as the worst President at least in our lifetimes, if not ever even before the elections, especially with the chaotic handling of the Pandemic.  But don’t forget, Trump was called a racist by Pelosi, Schumer and co for attempting to shut down travel between the US and China early on in the pandemic. The only good thing to come out of the response was basically from the private sector aka Big Pharma who has multiple vaccines out there in less than a year’s time.  Of course, the fact that state and local leaders have botched the rollout, especially in the most liberal states like here in California is barely being mentioned.


But Trumps efforts to undermine the voting process and the election results is truly where he went off the rails.


There’s no question what Trump instigated that led to the invasion of the Capitol was organized insurrection.  IMO, there's a combination of several key things that led to the storming of the Capitol that include Trump and Co not authorizing the needed resources in the days leading up to and during the actual siege, a complete breakdown of planning and response within the command structure of the resources that *were* in place, and some sympathetic to Trump within the policing and security.  Capitol internal security force are basically glorified mall cops. The problem was whatever security and law enforcement was posted *outside* the Capitol. There was plenty of chatter online in the days and weeks before this happened giving them plenty of time to have a more than adequate plan for dealing with a possible violent mob. Obviously, there was a major underestimation of how large and how far this mob would go once they were plenty inflamed.


To a large degree the poor response is due to Trump and his people purposely hobbling any sort of real security for that day. That in itself could certainly be interpreted as a planned and organized insurrection against the US Government far beyond Trump inciting his believers with thinly veiled rhetoric. There certainly was a difference in the planning, scale of security and response used between Wednesday and the protesting last Summer when Trump did his idiotic Bible photo op.


One last thing: It was very telling a few weeks ago that Military officials said they wouldn't be a part of any effort to become involved in any attempt by Trump to overturn the election. Think about it - there was word floating around that this was even a possibility and it was felt a public disclaimer needed to be issued. I'd guess it was likely Trump and his people were discreetly contacting leaders of the various branches about backing him ... that's more or less a banana republic attempt at a coup.


Someone said after all is said and done, Trump is going to be more or less a man without a country.  I picture him in some sort of Citizen Kane scenario, relegated to living a shunned, solitary last act of his life in one of huge empty mansions, dying in bed clutching a snow globe muttering “MAGA” as he takes his last breath.


I guess the bright side depending on your POV, is that Dems control both Houses and the Presidency, thanks in large part to Trump’s ineptitude and narcism.


Closing, some people need to understand that while there is a far Left and far Right contingent of mental defectives spouting their views and doing their best to incite and create chaos for their tribe, the overwhelming majority of both sides are not bloodthirsty lunatics and can intelligently see there are bits and pieces of both political sides worth supporting.

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