[kj] David Gilmour’s Special Request About Pink Floyd’s ‘The Endless River,’ Youth Recalls [RockCelebrities.net]

dub echo dubecho at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 10:01:34 EDT 2023


*David Gilmour’s Special Request About Pink Floyd’s ‘The Endless River,’
Youth Recalls*

Melisa KarakasApril 25, 2023

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*Martin Glover*, or as you might possibly know him, Youth, recently
discussed what was *David Gilmour*‘s one wish about Pink Floyd’s 2014
album, ‘The Endless River,’ while he was producing the record.

It might have been a bit challenging to keep the *cult Pink Floyd* sound
throughout the years, especially without Roger Waters or Rick Wright being
there to feature their unique touches into the tracks. Still, even when
maintaining the band’s cult sound was surely a tough job, it was nothing
Youth couldn’t handle.

The rocker recalled how the recording sessions went, discussing how Dave
clarified what he wanted from Pink Floyd’s then-upcoming record from the
second he started working with him. As Gilmour and collaborator, Roxy Music
icon *Phil Manzaner*a, were planning to try new things out and experiment
with the sound, the frontman requested that the album ‘sound like them.’

So, with all the musical experiments, Youth’s job was to make sure that the
album carried Pink Floyd’s cult sound while also offering new perspectives.
Not a tough job, right? Well, it was until Dave and Manzanera decided to
divide the album into *four sections*, and that led to some confusion for
the producer.

Glover recalled how he thought that the first section Gilmour sent to him
consisted of their entire project, so he accidentally transformed a
ten-minute section into a forty-minute one, thinking he was *editing and
mixing* the entirety of the record. That later became an inside joke
between him and the Pink Floyd guitarist, as Youth further disclosed what
it was like to collaborate with David.

The bassist’s words on Gilmour’s request and producing a Pink Floyd album:

“Phil [Manzanera] had been on it [the album] for a few years. The album was
in four sections: four ten-minute tracks. They gave me the multitrack of
the first part, which I thought was the whole album. They said, ‘Arrange
it. Do what you like with it.’ David’s brief to me was, ‘Make it *sound
like us*,’ because it didn’t really sound like them at the time.

It was the ’90s recordings that actually sounded a lot like The Orb in a
weird way, using sequencers and loops. I got rid of all that, and I turned
that ten-minute section into a 40-minute album. When I played it, David
said, ‘*That’s great*, but that’s only the first track.'”

He continued:

“They still laugh [about that], actually. We ended up using lots of
sections from that and developing those sections into other tracks. It was
a recurring issue, the vocal thing. Nevertheless, two of my favorite Floyd
albums, ‘Meddle’ and ‘Obscured by Clouds,’ were very *experimental and free*.
I was thinking of that.

It was *hard to get the one vocal that we did get*. In the end, David was
like, ‘That’s fine. That’s all we need. That’s all I want.’ We left it at
that. My inclination would have been, ‘Let’s get some more vocals!’ *I
quite like *that we didn’t, in the end, because it made it a bit more
intimate in a way.”

So, David’s number one goal was to make sure that the album sounded like
Pink Floyd *when it also featured Roger Waters*, as that’s all he needed
before getting to experiment with different styles and sounds. It was
apparent that Youth did a successful job, as in the end, Gilmour seemed
satisfied with the final work and greenlighted the album for release.
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