[kj] ROI djing at Bellefest

Jerry UXB jerry.butson at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 08:36:40 EDT 2023

Hey all,

I had the pleasure of meeting Roi at my brother's funeral. Roi will now be
dj-ing at an event this saturday to celebrate by bro's life. he was drummer
with much of the cream of the north London rock scene; Rachel Stamp, David
Ryder Prangley, Glitter Kick, Killing Miranda, Nosferatu and more. He was
also DJ at the monthly Decadence nights and the Slimelight (from where he
knew Roi), and a huge Killing Joke fan.

All profits are in aid of the Music Venue Trust...please come down! Roi
will be on early (between 6 and 7 p.m.).

<Gathering at misera.net>

Jerry of this parish
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