[Scons-users] Question about paths and shared libraries with SCons

Chris BeHanna chris at behanna.org
Mon Jul 23 14:39:28 EDT 2012

On Jul 23, 2012, at 13:06 , Ted Middleton wrote:

> I'm using scons to build an executable and several dlls (.so's) that it depends on. In my root SConsctruct file I have roughly this:


> dylibs = []

> dylibs += SConscript( dirs='foodir', exports=['env'] )

> dylibs += SConscript( dirs='bardir', exports=['env'] )

> exe = SConscript( dirs='exedir', exports= { 'env' : env, 'dyibs' : dylibs } )


> and then in exedir/SConscript I have


> Import('env', 'dylibs')

> prog = env.Program( 'program', source=['main.cpp', dylibs] )

> Return('prog')


> Scons ends up building them like this:


> gcc -o exedir/program foodir/libfoo.so bardir/libbar.so


> It seems that whenever scons wants to coerce a scons Node object to a string to build a command line, it likes everything to be relative to that root SConstruct file (which makes sense). If the SConstruct file had been in exedir, I would imagine that the command line that scons would build would look something like this:


> gcc -o program ../foodir/libfoo.so ../bardir/libbar.so -Wl,rpath=/opt/mycompany/lib


> How is this a problem? ld will embed whatever .so filename you put on the path that gcc gets invoked with. So in the first example, the actual reference embedded in exedir/program is foodir/libfoo.so and bardir/libbar.so, rather than just libfoo.so and libbar.so. In the second case ../foodir/libfoo.so and ../bardir/libbar.so get embedded in exedir/program.


> Any ideas on what the most elegant way of dealing with this would be?

env['LIBPATH'] = ['#/foodir', '#/bardir']

myprog = env.Program('program', 'main.c', LIBS=['foo', 'bar'])

In this case, only the basenames of libfoo and libbar will be embedded in program's NEEDED record, and Program() will scan your LIBPATH to find them. The generated link line looks like:

gcc -o program -Lpath/to/foodir -L/path/to/bardir -lfoo -lbar

This is, generally, the "right" way to do it--you don't want to pass pathnames to libraries.

FURTHERMORE, if libfoo and libbar are built with whatever DT_SONAME you specify from the command line (via the -h option at link-time), then THAT name will be embedded in program's NEEDED section, rather than the paths to those libraries. You can embed whatever name you want, though the convention is to use the library's name and a major version number; e.g.,


This will cause the link to fail if someone makes a non-backward-compatible change and revs the major version number of the library to give a warning of that change.

Chris BeHanna
chris at behanna.org

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