[Scons-users] Is there a way to turn this warning message off?

Dirk Bächle tshortik at gmx.de
Sat Jul 26 17:05:16 EDT 2014

On 26.07.2014 22:52, William Blevins wrote:
> As Mark has already stated, this is a consistency problem.  Why do the 
> C/C++ tools complain by default when none of the other tools do?
Because the author(s) of the Tool chose to do so...and, in my opinion, 
they should be free to follow either way.

> It would be reasonable to give a warning if the build called the C/C++ 
> scanner for example, but in the case above, it sounds like the tool is 
> never used.
A Tool doesn't get used, it sets up and changes the Environment...mainly 
by adding Builders or tweaking environment variables. At the time a Tool 
gets initialized, it's not possible to decide whether a provided Builder 
will get used or not.

>  It is not reasonable for the warning just because SCons in running on 
> Windows and SCons happens to support C/C++.
> I have a usage question. Does the warning still appear in you set the 
> DefaultEnvironment( tools = [] )?
The warning appears whenever you try to initialize the "msvs" Tool under 
Windows, without having a corresponding compiler installed. Setting 
"tools=[]" for all your environments would prevent this...

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