[kj] Democracy
Stephen Robinson
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 21:33:14 +0100
> So, just to make sure, is there anybody out there who actually *likes*
> the democracy-album? What's so bad about it?
I like it. Well, bits of it. Aeon, is as good as anything they've done, and
the title track was a great pop song, and much better as a single, the Loose
Cannon was.
But, it's also got Lanterns of Hope and Prozac People (that loud/quiet was
sooo 1993), and overall I would still class it as the SECOND worst album.
You proably don't need me to mention what the worst one is.
Of course terms like "worst" are relative, i wouldn't say they've done a Bad
album, but by their own standards...