[kj] Crowley/Coleman/Gurdjieff

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Tue Jul 13 16:40:14 EDT 2004

"but I fear I shall never really
understand what he was all about"
     I don't really know what I'm talking about (When it comes to
Crowley),But As with most Cults ,Its usually intelligent people,leading the
unintelligent people.The leaders offer some kind of answers which the
followers are in awe of,To a certain extent killing joke do the same.
    Once you are under their spell you stay there,They usually offer some
kind of mystical bollocks,which lost souls tend to follow.
   Religious groups do this, the Moonies,freemasons,Christians ,Muslims etc
etc..People join because they think if they are a member and pay into it
,some of the mystical powers may rub off on them(Pay being the operative
      On a lighter note ,I received one of those "Congratulations you ve
just won a million dollars" E-mails.I replied ,wondering exactly how the
scam works,If anybody wants to see the on-going exchanges,let me know and I
ll post them up.

----- Original Message -----
From: "god botherer" <acroastic at hotmail.com>
To: <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: [kj] Crowley/Coleman/Gurdjieff

> I became very interested in Crowley many years ago. I read Liber 777, The
> Book Of The Law, Aha, etc. and learned a lot. I also read about Crowley's
> participation in the Golden Dawn and beyond. I recognised that he must
> been an extraordinary man - highly intelligent, gifted, extremely
> knowledgeable, but I also learned of the many wounded people - even dead
> people - he left in his wake, and I found that I could not accept some of
> his practices. I also questioned where following the labyrinthine path
> which studying the correspondences and Gematria was actually leading me.
> So many people have warned against reading The Book Of The Law - including
> Crowley himself - that it can not be paranoid superstition to refer to
> admonitions. As for Gurdjieff recognising something unclean in Crowley, I
> merely paraphrasing Bennett's autobiography.
> Let's be cool.
> I do not regard myself as qualified to judge Crowley - or indeed
> Both men were vastly superior to me in all sorts of ways. But if someone
> Gurdjieff's standing took the angle he did on Crowley then I have to take
> note.
> And what is one to make of Jaz's branding of Crowley as 'a very dubious
> character'? This from someone who went into Crowley fairly deeply, I
> believe.
> The case remains open for me on Crowley, but I fear I shall never really
> understand what he was all about. And is it all that important anyway?
> As for the Buddha, I sense that following his teachings is more likely to
> bring me to happiness and make the world a better place than following
> Crowley's 'way' (whatever that is) will.
> I am ready to listen to anybody who can shed light for me on why Crowley
> deserves uncritical admiration. I would genuinely welcome an attempt to
> defend Crowley on a moral basis.
> There is more that unites us than divides us so let's not fall out.
> Si
> >From: Djehuti111 <djehuti111 at yahoo.com>
> >Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
> ><gathering at misera.net>
> >To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
> ><gathering at misera.net>
> >Subject: RE: [kj] Crowley/Coleman
> >Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 21:18:03 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >Greetings Lexi,
> >
> >--- Alexi Hamilton <alexih at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >    Awwww...Nicholas, you just might bring the ever
> >elusive Aleph out of hiding with this one...
> >
> >  Nah, I'm not going to waste my time with opinionated
> >rubbish, ("Clearly, he recognised that which was
> >unclean in Crowley and didn't want him near his
> >students any more.") or paranoid superstition ( "And
> >by the way, reading The Book of the Law might not be a
> >great idea.").
> >
> >  And I'm certainly not going to let one of the most
> >imbalanced "buddhists" to ever snipe from behind a PC
> >get my Goat.
> >
> >("crowley was a twat who completely wasted the
> >insights he had.")
> >
> >  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! ;)
> >
> >  I'll just scrape it off my shoes and ignore the
> >stench.
> >
> >  XoXoX
> >  Aleph
> >
> >
> >
> >~Alexi
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >=====
> >"The scene was wild and somewhat sinister. The
> >darkness, the palms, the mountainous background, the
> >silent lake below, the impenetrable canopy of space,
> >studded with secretive and significant stars, formed a
> >stupendous setting for the savage noise and blaze of
> >the ceremony."
> >
> >
> >
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