[kj] OT: fatpotangas lovely crap poll
unspeakable at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 29 17:25:16 EST 2004
1. Name - Dom
70. age - 26
32. shoe size - 12
8. any secret names/aliases - Jiri; Jan
95. I earn a living as - a writer/editor
7. but secretly I'd like to be.... - this is about it,
but I wouldn't mind playing pro hockey and making
films, too
8. what type of underwear are you wearing - Type B
11. what's your credit card number (mail me off list)
- wife took it away after my last visit to
6. Dear Santa, I've been ever so good so for Xmas
pleez can I
have... - another Joke Stateside tour
3. I live in... - perpetual writer's block
3. My highpoints of 2004 were - visiting my friend in
Arizona, hiking and biking and rubbing red clay upon
my fair white skin, amid Sedona red the landscape
9. Aside from this poll, the crappest thing (so
far) in 2004 - everything about the U.S.
election...and a miscarriage in the family
16. I last washed my...dog's privates, unfortunately
(she has some issues)
53. Next year I'm rather looking forward to -
believing there just might be a new Joke studio album;
seeing the U.S. qualify for the World Cup
9. I'm currently enjoying... - "In a Sunburned
88. When noones looking I sometimes like to.... -
check the Gathering
42. in the event of my death I'd quite like to be... -
reincarnated in a better galaxy
0. for my funeral I'd like... - everybody to have a
good time
20. Some thoughts on Killing Joke: - The only music
you'll ever need. A style for all occasions.
22. I quite like to drink... - in moderation, but
that's a thin rope to walk
34. I think I have a talent for... - putting people at
46. I would like to achieve - that sounds like enough.
732. I'm a bit frightened of... - blowing out my knee
on the ice rink
6. I can't stand... - what air travel has become
59. I want to go to... - the Czech Republic to check
on my father
18. I hate my... sinuses, my bulging disc, my left
shoulder, and anything else that plans on giving out
on me
9. I cringe when I remember the time that... - I
realized Bush would still be the U.S. president
88. when I'm drunk I... - stop feigning interest, or
at home dance to Killing Joke with my wife, if she's
up for it, otherwise the dog is usually game.
101. my favourite body part is... - the one that only
she has (not the dog...you pervert!).
666. if you could paint anything on any part of any
who and what would you choose? - an infrared dot on
Bush, just to see the secret service tackle him
5. to relax I... have a beer and read, or have a toke
and ponder
26. Oh god, not another stupid question - "Whose is
the meaning?"
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