[kj] Jaz would nt appreciate this article

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Tue Apr 5 15:17:24 EDT 2005

That may be your experience in America,But it is the opposite in Europe.When
I was younger to buy a VCR you would have to work the equivalent of two
weeks to afford it,Nowadays most people only have to work a few hours to buy
a DVD player(30 pounds in ASDA) and back in the 70 s not everyone could
afford a landline phone .Nowadays 95% of the population has a expensive
mobile(including most schoolkids).
     When i was younger only a few kids could afford branded clothes and
shoes(Only middle classes and thieves)Now when I see youngsters they are
kitted out  head to toe in branded clothes.When i was younger most kids wore
ill fitting old hand -me-down clothes.Which proves that generally the
population is getting richer(In a monetary sense)
     And working hours,When I was younger most adults had to work the
saturday morning shift to bump up their wages ,Nowadays people just dont
want to do it .They are earning more during the five days.
   And then,for a class-mate to go on an Aeroplane was a very rare
occurrence,nowadays its quite common.
   It is an undeniable fact that the poor are becoming enriched.Through my
eyes its blindingly obvious.And I have a feeling that you believe what you
want to believe, rather than the facts.
Yes.There are poor people,But not as poor as they used to be.
   Did nt lots of people starve in the 30s in USA?The Depression.On the
Waterfront, ect ect.

----- Original Message -----
From: <gregslawson at aol.com>
To: <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] Jaz would nt appreciate this article

> First, it is true that people are working harder, and longer hours (esp.
in the US). And while more wealth overall is being created, there are larger
%'s of people of people each year w/o basic services and needs being met
worldwide. How is this seeming contradiction possible? Because the wealth is
not "for everyone to share". It is based on what can be SOLD. So while the
middle class in Europe and US can buy more cell phones, dvds, etc., the
majority can buy less and less. And the more that is produced, the less,
percentage wise, gets sold, so the industrialists have to cut back on pay
and hours even more, making the cycle deepen. That's economics for ya! A
little more complicated that what the free-market people talk about, but

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